Rollercoaster | 24

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Lisa's Point of View

I was blindfolded, I feel like I'm in a vehicle that is moving so fast.

Where am I going? Where will they put me?

I'm scared.

An unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke up, “We already got her luggage, sir.”

A boy just hummed, that hum seemed familiar. That 'sir' seemed familiar to me.

I'm so confused right now. Someone please save me.

My mouth is not taped. But I just can't speak. I'm scared of what might come if I spoke.

I was shivering that time. The cold air that surrounds the vehicle because of the aircon I think is really getting through my skin.

I easily got rashes when my skin can't handle the coldness of something.

I might have skin rashes all over my body if ever.

Few seconds later, I felt warm because of the blanket, I think?

They covered me with blanket.

“Sir, we're almost at our private jet.” a random voice said.

And the familiar voice hummed once more.

Are they kidnapping me? Will they ask for ransom? I'm so scared.

The vehicle stopped. The motor of this vehicle stopped.

I felt that I was being placed to another vehicle.

“Let me go,” finally I had the chance to talk, I act like I'm brave but I'm just forcing myself.

Is this the private jet? The private jet that they're saying?

“Here we are, sir. Shall we go now?” a random voice said once more.

He hummed again. It's familiar, but I'm really not sure.

“Okay, sir. Good bye, I hope you have a great flight to your destination.”

I felt the jet was about to move, I'm scared.

I hold onto something in the corner. I guess, a table?

I suddenly felt a hand that removes my blindfold.

I was shocked when he's the one in front me.

“Jungkook!?” I shouted.

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