Rollercoaster | 10

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Third person's Point of View

“Lisa, daughter, you're finally here!” Lisa's mom said while hugging her so tight.

“I thought you missed me? Don't you?” Lisa asked with a tone like she's just joking.

“Of course, we missed you. It's been, what? 7 years? 8 years? Who wouldn't have missed their daughter if she isn't coming home for that amount of time?” Lisa's dad said.

Lisa hugged him so tight too, you can see in their eyes that they really missed each other a lot.

“By the way dad, I'll be staying here for a week so I can took care of you and mom. And also to bond with you, even though, it's just a short period of time.” Lisa explained and strolled her luggage in the house.

Her eyes made it to Jungkook's place, that's why, they had an eye contact.

“Mom?” Lisa called her mother while she lift her eyebrows.

“Uhm, why Lisa?” her mother asked her why is she calling her.

“What is he doing here? What is the famous BTS member doing here?” Lisa asked loudly so Jungkook can hear it.

Jungkook stood up, then talk, “I'm here to visit your mom, I remember you said she's an army, so I came here since we had a tour here.”

“Really, Lisa? You told him that? Are you two, close?” Lisa's mom asked.

“Yes,” Jungkook answered.

“No, we aren't. We're not close, mom. Stop lying, Jungkook.” Lisa said, “By the way, that was a long time ago when I said that. Memories are memories, you should've just forget it.” Lisa added.

“I'm not lying, we're close, right?” Jungkook asked Lisa for an answer.

Lisa warily shook her head left to right, “No. We used to be close but now, we're not close. Okay?”

“Mom, I'll just put my luggage and such things to my room, then rest. We'll just hangout tomorrow, okay? I'm so tired right now.” Lisa said to her mom.

Her mom just shook her head up and down as a sign of agreeing to what she have said.

While Lisa is walking towards her room, Jungkook suddenly talked.

“You've changed, Lisa. You've changed a lot. It's been months since you haven't talk to me or even text or chat me. Why do you change?” Jungkook asked.

Lisa turned her head to Jungkook, she looked up to his eyes, they had an eye contact once more.

“You're asking why I did change?” Lisa asked him.

Jungkook just shook his head up and down.

“Well, sorry. I won't tell you why. You can leave our house now.” she said then strolled her luggage and continued to walk towards her room.

Her heart has turned into a cold one because of him. Her smile that she once showed everyone has already faded.

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