Ch 9- Practice Starts

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Tapping his feet, checking his watch with every passing second he grew impatient. His eyes searched for the one his heart was going berserk without, without whom peace was somwhere lost.

Watching her finally come, his eyes filled with a thousand of sparks, she looked gorgeous as she walked up straight towards him, increasing his heart beat with every step she took closer forming a small lump in his throat as he looked down nervous not able to match her gaze anymore.

Closing down the distance, standing right in front of him, she looked up to his bent head which slowly raised looking deep into her eyes, bringing a sudden calmness inside him, taking over his racing heart as he stared foregetting everything.

Gulping down the lump forming in his throat, he opened his mouth to say something but ended up failing miserably looking down watching their bodies inches away from one another, the close approximity taking his nervousness and excitement to all new level.

The Aman who was scared of nothing, who feared nobody, today looked helpless in front of Kanishka.

A smile escaped his lips as he watched her standing on her toes to match his height, shaking his head grinning he looked back at Kanishka who smiled taking his name with all the sweetness of this world in her voice



"I wanted to tell you something!", Kanishka looked down saying it before gazing back to Aman who smirked wide asking


"Those 3 magical words which I wanted to tell you from very long!!", Kanishka said looking directly into Aman's eyes which filled with an unknown happiness, as he blinked back his curiosity asking dramatically

"Which 3 magical words?"

Kanishka gazed down shy and then looked up playing a grin on her face opened her mouth only to pull it back close, hiding her face in her palms feeling extremely shy to face him who grinned letting out a chuckle before holding both her hands removing it from her face looking into her eyes deep whispering in an erotic voice


"Okay, so the 3 magical words are!!!", Kanishka gestured from her hands asking him to bring his ear closer making Aman laugh and then bend his head taking his ear near her mouth, unable to wait any more to hear it from her mouth.

"Wake up Idiot!!!!!!!", Aman flinched at the loud yell in his ears getting up quick spinning his head all around the room panicked with his hand on his heart trying to calm his scared self. Finding himself safe and in his room realizing it was all part of a dream, he sighed heavily.

Turning his head he found his mom staring at him making him flinch at her menacing look, as he muttered


"What mom?? Have you checked what time it is?? You are getting late! And besides what were you murmuring huh 3 magical words??", His mom enquired making him look down biting his tongue under his teeth, mentally facepalming himself.

As he searched for an answer, his eyes fell on the whisk in his mom's hand, bringing a smirk on his face as he had found a way out of this, answering quick

"I am getting late, I don't have time for this, besides it looks like you were making something Mom". He pointed at the whisk in her hand, and only then she got reminded that she had kept the cake for baking in the oven, making her eyes go wide as she disappeared in a flash yelling "Omg, my pan cakes!".

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