Ch 34- A Day Out-II

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Dedicated to the birthday girl

A very happy birthday to you deep25ti , may god bless you and you achieve whatever you wish for!

*Fasten your seatbelts, and get ready for a double-update*


Falling into a deep reverie at each explanation of the dreams, when the beautiful, silent, void of vehicle avenue turned to unpleasant, noisy, vehicle-busy road, they didn't realize.

Cruising through which, they soon reached the mall in front of which were stood their friends turning their heads around checking their watches, the frustration clear on their faces.

"What's up guys??"

Karan spoke smiling at everyone which soon faded away earning sullen, angry gazes from everyone, completely opposite to what he had expected.

Turning towards Aditi wavering his eyebrows he questioned her the reason for this angry reaction, to which Aditi rolled her lips in response lightly shrugging shoulder making him bit his tongue.

"Where were you two all this time?", Came the roaring voice of kanishka startling the duo causing them to avert their gazes back to her and then exchange a glance before Karan answered, more like guessed

"On the way?"

"What do you mean by on the way?? We are waiting here from past 20 minutes!"

"17 minutes!", Aman interrupted Kanishka, checking his watch earning an angry stare from her making him to respond quick at her reaction

"No, 20! 20 minutes! My watch is 3 minutes slow I forgot", Aman checked his watch as if to set the clock correct. Tanu and Aditi laughed at Aman's reaction, whereas Karan's laugh dried out when before it could come out as Kanishka turned giving him that questioning look

"You guys reached early as you ran all the way, whereas we walked slowly!!"

"That's what even I'm asking, why you two walked so slowly?"

"Cause, we don't possess that high level of energy and enthusiasm like you guys do to run through a beautiful Avenue without even noticing it rich features!!", Came the sarcastic quick response from Aditi at Karan's rescue who smiled nodding his head murmuring an "exactly" causing Kanishka to roll her eyes and then raise eyebrows at the words:

"Yeah what to do!? Some people do not believe in live and let live!"

Aman smirked at Kanishka, but watching her turn averted his gaze looking elsewhere, suppressing his laughter at Kanishka's "What do you wanna say?" Kind of look who gave him an irritated look before pointing her finger at him commenting

"I don't know about others, but I won't let you live at least!!"

"You won't let me leave?"

"No, not peacefully"

"But evening anyhow I have to leave", Aman shrugged his shoulders at her who blinked her eyes in confusion at his words.


"Yeah, I got to! I have to reach home by night", hearing him everyone laughed shaking their heads in disbelief while Kanishka facepalmed.

"Oh shut up you idiot!! Even you know I meant live and not leave", Kanishka grit her teeth at Aman who made an 'o' from his lips before laughing making others laugh along with him.

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