Ch 40- Forgiven?

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"Kanishka, you called me?"

"No, my neighbours did!", Kanishka passed Harry an 'Are you even for real?' kind of questioning look at his words who shook his head in denial and his lips parted to speak but before it could utter a single word at his clearance Kanishka whisper yelled

"You fool, don't you remember yesterday I called you for the party!"

"No.., No.., Not in the party, but here"

"What do you think is going on here then? Circus?? You stupid, this is the 'party' I invited you for", Aman laughed out hard watching Harry's flushed face who couldn't help but rub his eyes off frustrated. No matter how much does he try to stay calm and sweet, this girl somehow gets on his nerves.

"Hey guys? What's happening!", Entered Aditi looking between Harry and Kanishka, one seemed too frustrated while the other stood staring at the former with an unbelievable look plastered on its face. Right after her entry Kanishka exclaimed facepalming

"I guess Harry's high or something, he thinks it's circus what's going on here and that party is somewhere else!"

"What—", Aditi couldn't help but laugh heartily at her words giving Harry an "Really?" kind of face who clenched his jaw and his fists tighter. Somewhere even she had an idea that it wasn't what Kanishka was telling and that something's more to it. Her trance gets broken hearing the voice

"Woah, what's going on!?", Walked in Karan grinning as his eyes came in contact with Aditi's happy ones, the ones which earned him a grin, but only for a while as it faded out next moment looking at her who turned her face in distaste noticing his gaze, resulting in fall of his face. His attention quick shifted to Harry as he spoke after a brief second of gulping down his enraging rage.

"I meant did you call me here, because I was informed that you were looking for me!"

"Looking for you? But why you?", Kanishka tapped her index finger on her chin trying to remember if she actually was looking for him before eyeing up Harry questioning him when she couldn't recall making him shrug his shoulders and raise his hands in response

"Ask Karan! He Informed me!"

Cat got Karan's tongue, wandering his eyeballs left to right quickly cooking something up in his mind he raised his head amidst all the staring eyes

"For magic show!!"

"Magic show!? Oh yeah.. magic show!! It is after the cake cutting ceremony!! Cake must be on its way, can't wait to taste it!!", Kanishka licked her lips just by the thought of the cake. Her facial expressions causing Aman to have a munch on his inner cheeks as he smirked commenting

"It's Benny's cake"

"Who happens to be my brother!", Kanishka spoke mounting her hands on her hips looking at Aman who raised one of his eyebrows dramatically mouthing

"Sooo? So what?"

"So it's my cake too!! I have all the rights to eat it all alone and not give you or anyone a bit of it", Kanishka snorted folding her hands across her chest turning her head elsewhere which turned to Aditi hearing

"Kanish even me???"

"No no, Sweetie pie! To you I'll feed myself from my own hands!", Kanishka pulled Aditi's cheeks who quick held her hands stopping her before she could make her cheeks turn all red saying

"Oh really? I'm sure once you see those chocolates, cakes, and choco pies you will forget this sweetie pie"

Kanishka frowned while everyone else chuckled at the wordplay. Karan let out a sigh of relief as the topic now had shifted and he had no fear of getting caught for his lie.

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