Ch 31- Results

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Dedicated to tomgirl1406

'Time', a simple four lettered word which is known by all, but understood only by a few.

The one who understand know how it flies, changing everything except something within us which is always surprised by the change.

It flies, breaking all the shackles, like that leaf on the branch of a tree which once fallen cannot be reincarnated back. It flies faster every year, every month, every single day whether you're having fun or not, whether you're living your life big or small, whether you surround yourself with fear or laughter.

The most beautiful moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one's grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible. So been the past two and an half months for Karan, where he grew close to Aditi and now that the vacations are on the run he misses the time spent with her.

They became good friends in the past months, though they used to not have enough time together, they always made the most out of what they had studying and even speaking meanwhile.

They realize how vulnerable their control over their mind becomes when they look into each other's eyes,  the reason of which they don't know yet, but the thing they surely know and realize is how they enjoy each others company when they are together unconcerned about anything else at that moment.

They didn't change a lot, But if something changed a lot in this months then that was the bond Aman and Kanishka shared. Their talks which was limited to teasing and irritating each other has widened up gradually with passage of time. They understand each other much better than before.

That incident of Rose when Aman lost his control over his anger has brought that realisation in them that how there's a time for everything, and when they have to just control themselves sending the mood of the other. They don't infuriate each other to that extent anymore, as that care for each other has slowly started to blossom.

Their conversation still remains full of mocks and teases but they are comfortable conversing that way, and that's something that they can never change neither they would like to change. That's what makes their friendship unique in its very own way, which even they admire but never voice it out.

It's been one month since the vacation started, and finally tomorrow was the day Karan had been waiting for long. Calling Aman in the excitement, Karan exclaimed before Aman even could say hello

"You remember tomorrow's the results?"

"Oh, what so exciting?"

Pressing his phone away from his ears Karan looked at Aman's caller id with a weird look before pressing his phone back speaking amused

"What do you even mean by what's so exciting?? It's results come on!!"

"What's up with you? From when you became this excited for results? I don't remember you getting so excited for results before this"

Aman asked recalling karan's reaction everytime they spoke about results which would be nothing but "I don't care", not even once he seemed excited to see his results and today he has himself called him just to remind that there is results the next day. Only if Aman had any idea that this excitement had nothing to do with his own results.

"Whatever, be there on time", said Karan hanging up the call. How could he tell that this time the case was different, it was not his result which he was eager for, but it was Aditi's.

"I want that 1st rank at least once", he remember her saying it while they conversed. A smile made its way on his lips just the way it did that day when he replied to her "Why not? You will for sure".

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