Ch 21- Bonus Bonus

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Dedicated to The__deepest_ocean

Suspense... Is finally over.. here's the update.. let's uncover the surprise then..


I afraid that's a wrong answer, correct answer is option A.

Karan heaved a disappointed sigh he was holding back, he had idea of this answer and his guess was correct, but he went for his. He was dejected but right now it was not the ideal time to repent on what was done, they were not out of the competition yet and he knew it very well. It was his responsibility to make his team believe in that too, who all were looking very much disappointed.

Karan sat, masking his frown face with a small smile one to cheer his teammates up, he spoke gaining attention of them.

"It's ok guys, Don't be so disappointed! We still have the bonus round.. one correct answer will give us 2 points and we will make up for this 2 lost opportunities in one go".

He spoke with his smile widening at his own words and looked at everyone with excitement dripping out from his eyes, but it disappeared soon as he ended up zipping his lips when none of them returned his excitement.

"Bonus round will be easy you think?? All questions asked till now were study based questions.. and none among those we had any idea about.. it's all because of our luck we got those 3 questions correct. How can we expect something different to happen in bonus round??" Kanishka voiced out her thoughts and everyone else nodded their heads in affirmation.

Karan face fell listening to her, what she said was exactly correct, they had no idea what questions would be asked in bonus round, it could again be study based questions. But giving up before giving it their best shot was nowhere ideal.

"I understand, But guys it can even be general knowledge questions as well, we can never predict! We have to try our best in bonus round even if it's not general knowledge questions, we can't give up that easily..!! We can still win it guys!! At least it's worth a try..! If we are anyhow losing at the end.. it's better trying our best and then losing.. at least we will be satisfied that we tried to win. Winning is not important guys, wanting to win is!!"

Karan spoke, he wasn't really fine himself speaking the last line as winning was important to him as Tanu's future was depending on the scholarship but that moment those words were required to motivate his team who seemed like they had lost all their hopes.

Mentality is Everything, if you accept that you are defeated and you can't win it, you actually can't win it, none can win it for you. But if you decide that you gonna give your best, then none can stop you from winning.

Everyone nodded their head and a new determination could be seen on each of their faces, Aditi outstretched her hand speaking

"We can do it guys!! We will give our best!!"

Karan kept his hand on top of her hand smiling at her, kanishka and Aman placed their hand too and a team cheer was completed with everyone determined of giving their best in bonus round.

Looking them doing a team cheer, the guy couldn't believe his eyes and he laughed commenting "What losers..! Still cheering"


So that's the end of the final round. Team A leading with 5 points, Team B,D at 4 points each and Team C and Team E at 3 points each. After a short break of 10 minutes we will start with the bonus round, till then you guys can go off stage and enjoy the refreshments.

Everyone walked off the stage. Every team could be seen making their huddles and discussing their strategies.

"Where are refreshments??" asked kanishka keeping her index finger on her chin, turning her head in all directions trying to find somewhere some arrangement but she could find none.

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