4. Jaessa's New Life

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Jaessa loved her new life more than she had expected. However, life in the city was harder than she had thought. Her room in the inn was quite large though and had everything she needed in it and she considered herself extremely lucky that her belongings hadn't been taken when they were delivered there prior to her arrival. The only complaints she had were the busy streets and her noisy neighbour next door. Thom Percy had taken many women into his room and they had only been there for a week.

The innkeeper had made it clear that no weapons were to be kept in the rooms but Jaessa decided that she couldn't part with her new sword and instead hid it in a chest under the old bed. The one thing that she really appreciated was the view. Every morning she would draw the curtains and open the small window. Occasionally, the delightful smell of freshly baked bread would seep into the room and other times it was horse manure. However, it was the sight of the castle which made her love life in the city. Ever since she was a child she had wanted to see the Hanfort that rose so high it touched the clouds. Jaessa knew it would be a lifetime before she would ever be allowed within its white walls.

"Jess! You ready?" asked Thom Percy, knocking on her door violently, "You don't wanna be late on your first day."

"Coming!" she shouted back. She hated what she was wearing. It was too tight and too uncomfortable for her. Moreover, she despised gowns with a passion because they attracted too much attention to her. This better be worth it, she thought.

Jaessa opened the door gingerly. "Don't say a word."

Thom covered his mouth to avoid making her angry. "I was just going to say how beautiful you look in that red dress," he mumbled.

Jaessa shot him a look of frustration. "Is that what you said to each of the seven girls in your bed last week? " she asked, hurriedly putting on a light-brown cloak.

"As a matter of fact. No, no it wasn't," he replied, "There was no talking. You don't pay 'em to talk." He let her run past as she rapidly descended the creaky stairs. "No breakfast?"

"No time!" she said, "Let's go, Sir." Jaessa briskly left the large inn after a short conversation with the innkeeper. "Get Rose! Now!"

"Alright, m'lady." replied Thom, sarcastically, "Calm down."

The young knight very slowly jogged around the back of the inn to the stables. "Here," he said leading Rose and Muck toward Jaessa, "You're welcome. Also, are fancy women like you meant to ride horses in a city like this?"

"Good question and I don't care. Enough talking, let's go," she replied, clambering onto Rose and swiftly beginning a trot. Jaessa was enjoying every moment of the busy city life. The rush, although annoying, provided a welcome change to the sleepy Greenthorn Castle back in Goodwood.

Thom followed close behind as they showed their Priority Permits to the guards at the West Gate and were allowed to leave the city in front of the other citizens queueing up. "I guess I should thank you for getting me one of these things," he said.

Jaessa let go of Rose's reins as she galloped and shrugged her shoulders. "I would love to hear a 'thank you' from you but they're never sincere, so you can keep your thanks to yourself," she said smiling. She had always loved to tease Thom even from when they had first met in Aven ten years ago. Her life in Aven had been the worst time of her life. All she remembered about the city was death and blood. However, that led to her life being changed. Although she wasn't with her mother or father anymore, she had found a home with the Hoff's and now had a new life with her first real friend.

The two friends galloped hard around the city's tall dark-brown walls. On their left, they could see the small towns that surrounded the capital and the tiny villages further off. Jaessa had always been captivated by the river that flowed out of the city but this time she looked at it in disgust - the bridge was further westward and there wasn't enough time. "Rose, Thom, Muck, I'm sure you've already figured out how we're getting across," she exclaimed with a grin.

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