16. Jaessa's Voice

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"Jessica," whispered Lady Jean, prodding Jaessa's arm, "you're pulling that face again."

What is he talking about? That doesn't even make sense...

"Jessica," she repeated, nudging her a lot harder.

"Oh, sorry," replied Jaessa, her eyes still fixated on the man talking, "I'll try not to."

"You'd better," murmured Lady Jean, sternly, "We don't want another repeat of last week. Do we?"

Jaessa had hoped that all had been forgotten but she knew that her actions were somewhat unprofessional. It wasn't my fault that the Lord of Health was stupid enough to recommend exiling and executing the infected... 

"No, we do not," replied Jaessa, well aware that she was treading on thin ice.

"Jessica," added Lady Jean, " I forgot to mention that you're beginning to garner rather a lot of attention. Your name seems to be brought up all the time now. I would be very careful if I were you."

That is not good. Not good at all.

Jaessa sat through the rest of the debate with her face frozen in place.  Apart from the man that always seemed to make her blood boil, she thought that everybody else had made good points. She sat patiently with Lady Jean as the meeting came to a close and everyone else left in an orderly but slow fashion. After a short while, Jaessa got up to join the diminishing line. Lady Jean cleared her throat very loudly. 

What now?

"Jessica," she said, calmly, "I don't believe we are the last to leave." She turned her head sharply to the darkest corner of the room. "Wake him up. Now."

Can I do that?

Jaessa prepared herself and swivelled cautiously. No. No. No. Not again.

"I... don't know who that is -"

"Oh please," retorted Lady Jean, "Nell told me."

"Of course she did," mumbled Jaessa as she marched towards Thom.

"Interesting," noted Lady Jean as she slapped him ferociously across the face. 

Jaessa took his arm and pulled him out of the seat. "Look, I don't know how you keep ending up here or why you do but stop," she muttered, "please. You're embarrassing me."

Thom rolled his eyes and rubbed his sore, pink cheek. "Nice to see you, too, Jessica," he said, smiling as he sank back into the chair. 

There was an awkward silence as Jaessa's face reddened by the second. 

"Thom," she said, gritting her teeth, "get up."

Thom laughed unnecessarily loudly. His annoying voice echoed out into the corridors.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Jaessa, beginning to show her frustration.  

Thom sat there continuing to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" she asked, irritatedly, "So help me I will-"

Thom finally decided to stop the forced laughter and stand up by his own accord. He held Jaessa's shoulders tightly. "Jessica," he said, sullenly, "do you remember when you kicked me out and stopped enabling me?"

"Of course," she replied, remembering the joyous day, "I'd never felt happiness like that before."

Thom chuckled and waved at Lady Jean. "Well, Jessica," he replied, beaming, "it was the best day of my life too."

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