20. Jaessa's Warning

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The tavern erupted into cheering and glee as Jaessa, Rian and Thom sat down sluggishly at their table. Jaessa wiped her frothy, foam moustache off with her sleeve. Thom and Rian did the same. The trio picked up their mugs and took a swig of the ale.

"I told you!" shouted Thom, his face bright pink, "I did say it before! It always gets them going!"

"Fine," admitted Jaessa, slamming her mug down. The thump of it hitting the wooden table drew no attention in the rowdy alehouse. "They really do like that song! Who wrote it?"

"I don't know!" said Rian, struggling to make his voice heard. "Apparently it was Erri!"

Jaessa and Thom looked at each other with the same disgusted expression. 

"Shit," said Thom, "I hate that man's guts. That scheming, little hedge-pig came to Goodwood once. Made a right mess of everything! I'll stick his lute up his backside."

Rian turned his attention to Jaessa. "And what about you Jessica?" he said. "Thoughts?"

"She was - " started Thom.

"A fan! I was a huge admirer of his," said Jaessa, trying her best to lie through the ale, "that was until I heard the rumours of what he did in Goodwood. Seriously, what a weasel." She took yet another swig. "Glad I wasn't there."

Thom let out loud scoffs of disbelief much to the annoyance of Jaessa who was careful not to make eye contact with him. He is so damn annoying when he's like this...well all the time actually.

Thom suddenly sprung from his chair. "Despite all the lies," he said, "you're not that bad. Not bad at all."

"Thom," hissed Jaessa, embarrassedly, "Sit down and shut up or I'll kill you."

Rian laughed uncomfortably but despite the drinks, Thom could still sense that she was telling the truth. Nevertheless, he continued to stumble around his chair proclaiming things that scared her.

"Jaessa, Jaessa, Jaessa," he continued, oblivious to his surroundings and despite the warnings, "although I never tell you. I'm actually quite proud of you, you know? It's been hard for you, I understand..."

"Thom," she said with venom, as he grabbed his flimsy arm, "thank you for your concern but sit down." Jaessa caught sight of a group of shady men in one particularly dark corner of the tavern vomiting everywhere. "They look fun, go and talk to them," she said, pushing him with great force.

"They do don't they," he mumbled, cheerily, as he set off to join the men.

Prince Rian cleared his throat. "How do you know him again?" he asked.

"It's a long story and one I'd rather not share," replied Jaessa, "It was not a great day to remember...Anyway, let's get to the real reason why you're here... your majesty."

"Of course, Jessica," said Rian, stuttering.  "Your little articles in the paper are doing quite well."

Jaessa blushed partly from the ale and partly from embarrassment. "Well thank you, but I already know that," she replied, "but how would you know? " Jaessa noticed Rian's face and stopped talking instantly. Oh shit!  "I didn't mean it in a rude way-"

"No, it's quite alright," he said softly, "I know I probably shouldn't say this but sometimes I hate being the Prince. I hate all or it. I have no real friends..."

"Just people who tell you what they think you would want to hear," Jaessa said, completing his sentence. She moved her chair slightly closer to him as the music grew ever louder and patted his back in compassion.

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