26. The Life of Thom Percy

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"Thom Percy," said Hannah, pushing him out of the door. "It's about time you leave now?"

Thom stumbled forward but managed to avoid the puddle in front of him. He turned abruptly back to Hannah who was watching him frown. "Do I have to leave?" he asked, already knowing the inevitable answer. 

"You have work to do and so do I," she said, beginning to close the brown door. "You'll find yourself out of a job if you keep slacking off."

Thom didn't like what she was saying but he knew it was true. "Never," he replied. "They love me. Just like -"

Hannah slammed the door shut, leaving Thom on the busy street. People brushed past him constantly as they got on with their day. Thom stood still on the street much to their inconvenience. It was past lunchtime and he hadn't bothered to inform the Lord of Finance of his short absence. Thom knew, however, that it wasn't important if he missed today. There were more exciting things happening in the city than the Kingcall. No point in me rushing there. Just a bunch of rich fools arguing in a hall.

There came a soft creak from behind him. Hannah poked her head out of the door. "Thom," she said, with a half-smile and half frown. "For goodness sakes, stop daydreaming and go!" she shut the door with more vigour than before.

Yes, milady! He strutted cheerfully along the street, making a conscious attempt to tread carefully so as to not damage his new boots.  Although it was colder than most days, the sun was still blaring through the feeble clouds. The thought suddenly resurfaced. He checked over his shoulders, slowly, for the woman with the dirty blonde hair. She wasn't there and so he continued with confidence. He glanced at the clean but slightly uneven cobble ground. It's a bloody miracle - these boots. I knew I made good investments! Could have sworn I was walking on a cloud.

Thom felt a hand on his shoulder. His shot to the hilt of his arming sword like a natural reflex.

"Relax, Thom. It's me."

He let go of the sword. "Jaessa-"

"Jessica," she corrected, viciously, as she trudged alongside him.

"I still don't understand why you go by that name. Like Lord Huff said back in Goodwood - there's no evidence that the king was behind the fire and I'm sure he's not after you, sort of, even if he was," said Thom, taking a bun from Jaessa's basket.

"You're not one to talk, remember," she replied, pinching him. "You think there's a crazy woman after you."

That's because it's true! Thom didn't even consider replying to her, he was sure that she'd tell him that he was wrong and make him look like an idiot again. 

"So," said Jaessa, noticing Thom's glum expression, "I hear you get to go inside the keep."

A smug smile ran across his face. "You heard right," he said, triumphantly. "I get to see the inside of the Hanfort - something you'll never get to do." Thom was glad that he could savour this victory however small it was but he didn't mind because it meant quite a bit to him. 

The pair sped up as they traversed the streets. Thom kept an eye out for Jaessa who seemed to be stumbling everywhere she stepped. The basket she was carrying was large but it didn't look heavy. "Would you like some assistance?" Thom asked, sincerely. 

"No," replied Jaessa, clearly struggling. "I don't need your help."

Thom rolled his eyes. You just never know when to ask. That'll screw you over one day. Up ahead Thom could see some of the banners of a few great houses. He saw an ox on a field - gold on green as well as, a white eagle's head and a black raven. Despite having lived in a castle as if he was a young lord for a while, he didn't know the names of the houses nor did he care about names. Titles were the only thing that mattered to him.

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