22. Jaessa's Realization

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"Well, that was entirely useless," said Jaessa, sulking on Rose. "We found out literally nothing. It's been two days and we're already at a dead end."

Thom wasn't exactly sure how to respond so he instead turned to Rian, hoping that he would say something to comfort her. Instead, Rian was slumped against the tree and watching the grey clouds go by. An awkward silence filled the air as the biting wind carried Jaessa's pessimistic words away.

"Anything you'd like to say, your majesty?" mumbled Thom, watching Muck wander off, further into the field.

Rian sat up and smiled sarcastically at Thom before turning to Jaessa. "I should add that there is some good news," he said. "The rumours are starting to die down in most areas. It won't be too long until you're just a distant memory."

Jaessa didn't bother to look at the Prince. Although she knew that he was trying to console her, it would take a miracle to cheer her up. "Well, that's...good," she said, clearly disheartened. 

"It was not great that Sir Thom's informant was utterly useless but at least we know for certain who is spreading it," said Rian, wary of the darkening sky. 

Jaessa nodded, still refusing to make eye contact with anyone. "It'll probably rain soon, " she said."We should head back now."

Thom ran off to retrieve Muck from the patchy field and Rian mounted Tumara. Jaessa felt Rose tense up as if she was jealous of the Prince's black palfrey. I guess she must be your equivalent to Nell.

Jaessa and the Prince soon caught up with Thom, who was sitting the wrong way round on Muck. The two came to a mutual and nonverbal agreement not to ask him what had happened. Before long, the clouds had become much darker than before and the wind, more vehement. The grass ahead of them rocked as if they were crashing waves and brown hares raced in between them.

"What a shit day," commented Thom, subtly trying to swivel on the saddle.

"Thanks to you, " said Jaessa, grumpily as she urged Rose to overtake Muck. "That girl was of no help at all and she walked away with my money."

Thom made a rude gesture. "You should be looking at him!" - he pointed at the apologetic-looking Prince - "He could have paid. In fact, he should've paid."

"It wasn't that long ago that you were bragging about your new financial situation," retorted Jaessa. "Not to mention the fact that you said it out loud in the tavern."

Thom quickly admitted defeat and finally managed to orientate himself. Jaessa glanced back at him. It was one of the first times she had seen remorse on his face. 

"Maybe we should visit her again," he proposed. "She may have been busy. It's more or less the evening now."

"Since most people you know tend to be whores, I'd be willing to bet that she is, as wealthy as she is," said Jaessa. "I'm quite sure that this would be worse timing than before."

Thom made a noise that could only be described as a pig's squeal.  Muck slowed down slightly in order for him to recover from the shock. "That is very rude, " he said, "I didn't expect that from you. Well, actually I did but I didn't expect you to say it."

A drizzle began, notifying the group to speed up. Soon afterwards, they reached the outer walls of the city. The City Guards at the South Gate didn't bother to check their permits to enter, they were much more concerned with the looming rain clouds. Jaessa and Thom had no complaints about avoiding the usual queues to enter but the Prince, on the other hand, looked more concerned at the guards who weren't doing their jobs properly.  

"You really can see it from everywhere," said Thom, glaring at the castle and its white walls. "I can't believe you actually live there."

Prince Rian dismounted Tumara and ignored Thom's comment. "Let's just get out of this area," he said, pulling on his hood. "Lead the way, Sir Thom."

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