38. Draken

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Draken sat in silence by the fountain in the garden. Arnan's presence was welcome but it wasn't the same as having his sister by him, even if she was jeering at him. Slowly but surely, each day had gotten worse despite the weather. The birds were still chirping away, the plants still swayed in the gentle wind and the sun was smiling at them. It was what the prince would have usually defined as the perfect day. This feels weird...I wish Venaessa was here for this... Draken had always had an unshakable fondness of his sister, a kind that would never falter regardless of what she did...the kind his mother had. 

There was a soft patter on the ground as his cousins flicked water at each other. Then came the manic screaming as the twins chased each other in circles, water splashing everywhere. Both boys seemed happy enough to mess around at any time and when Draken felt compelled to join in, it usually ended with him on the floor with either water or mud on his face. It was at times like these when he wished Venaessa was here to beat them and make them stop. Draken knew, better than anyone, that a competitive Venaessa was a dangerous one.

"Aren't you going to join in?" asked Arnan, poorly attempting to swat a bee.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," replied Draken, his mind clearly elsewhere, "it'll hurt a lot. And no, I'm already tired. She'd be able to match their energy but I can't."

Arnan yelped as the bee landed a blow to his right cheek. "Ouch!" he muttered, turning to Draken who was watching the clouds go by in the bright skies. "I'm sure she'll be back soon."

"And if she isn't?"

"She will be!" exclaimed his friend, with so much optimism that it prompted a smile. "With how many people are after her, it's just a matter of time."

"You really think so?"

"I know so," said Arnan, rubbing his cheek. "She's probably on her way back already!"

Maybe she is! Draken smiled knowing that Arnan would always be there to comfort him regardless of how bleak the situation looked and he was very grateful for it. Since arriving back home, Draken had only seen his father once when his coronet and titles were returned. It was a moment he'd been waiting for, for months but when it came it was dull and the applause from the Grand Sage and family wasn't the same as being able to show off to his twin.

Nass ran up to Draken with his hands behind his back. Arnan slowly got up and began to walk away whistling. What now?

"Are you playing?" asked his cousin, smiling innocently, whilst Luke was stood behind laughing.

"No, I've already said that." 

"Shame!" he exclaimed, revealing a jar and showering Draken in water.

The prince waited for the water to finish falling from his hair before he opened his eyes. He turned to Arnan. "You knew that was coming, didn't you?" he asked, irritatedly.

"No," replied Arnan, "I...just like to stand in this particular spot."

"Of course you do," said Draken, rolling his eyes. "I'm going in to dry. You watch them and make sure they don't set fire to anything." He got up and began to mope away.

"I'm not sure I can," yelled Arnan, dodging the boys' attacks.

"Why don't you go and stand in your spot. I'm sure they won't be able to get you there."

"Please, Draken," begged Arnan, genuinely.

The prince already felt bad for making the joke. "Fine," he said. "You can get my aunt. She ought to be taking care of them, they're her children. She's probably hiding in the stables again." He heard Arnan's sigh of relief as the boys chased him around the fountain, throwing everything they could find. How do they have so much energy?

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