Chapter Six

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I've attached a picture of my head canon Lily, Karen Gillan. You probably know that she plays Amy Pond on Doctor Who. She's gorgeous and has that flaming hair. So yeah.

Please comment you guys! I need help to know whether or not you like what I'm doing. Yeah, votes are great, but they don't tell me what I'm doing right or what makes someone decide 'nah this isn't worth my vote'.

Thank you very much!




Sirius frowned down at the emerald colored 'D' on his Defense Against the Dark Arts test. Dreadful? Really? He'd expected at the least a P, but a D? He knew that he could always Bicorn-shit his way through an essay, but this particular test was made up of one-hundred multiple choice questions, only twenty of which he'd gotten right.

In truth, it was his own fault that he did so poorly on the test.

While studying with Remus, he found himself distracted by the way Remus' lips moved when he read from the textbook.... or the way he fixed his hair when the wind blew particularly hard... or the look of pity mixed with subtle disappointment when Sirius got a question wrong. Even then, he looked like a Saint to Sirius. And he probably deserved Saint-ship after dealing with him.

Sirius went to lunch feeling disappointed with himself. He should have done better, if not for his own good, then for Remus. He needed to prove to him that he was serious in his studies, that if he needed help, he could help. He didn't care about the abysmal grade so much, just another to addition to the collection. He just couldn't let his friend down any more than he already had.

James had somehow beat him to the Great Hall from the classroom. Sirius hadn't even noticed him pass in the hallway, he'd been too distracted.

He sat down next to his friends and tried to put on up a façade that nothing was wrong. It worked with James and Peter, but once Remus sat down next to him, he cleared his throat, "So are you going to tell me what's wrong or do I have to pry it out of you?"

Sirius thought for a moment. He could make up some lie, but where would that get him? He was good at lying, in fact he considered himself an expert, but Remus wasn't a person that he wanted to lie to. He was trying to build their relationship on a foundation of trust.

So he slid the test paper closer to Remus so that he could see the hideous grade. Sirius couldn't say a word. What if Remus was so disappointed that he vowed not to see him again until he passed a test? That might take a while.

"Sirius..." he said, his tone more pitiful than angry, "What happened?"

"I don't know I guess I was distracted when we were studying," he said in the form of one long sigh. There was food on the table, but he found that failure made him lose his appetite.

The thing is, he'd never been so distraught over a grade on a test. He'd gotten even worse grades than this. But now it felt as if the test was the stringy glue holding their shaky relationship together. Not, just the one test, of course, but rather the help that Remus had given him for this test and the help that Sirius had promised to give Remus when studying for their NEWTs.

"What could have possibly distracted you? We were alone Sirius, no one was around. No girls to bat their eyelashes at you," Remus said, looking slightly ticked off. He had every right to be.

"No, it wasn't a girl, Remus, girls aren't there to distract me they have their own agendas and it's not like it would matter if their purpose in life was to distract me," Sirius retorted, sounding more harsh than he intended. He immediately realized how that might have sounded. Did he just unintentionally come out to his friends? He looked across the table, but James was studying for something and Peter was looking at them, but his eyes were glassy and distant, showing that he was just zoned out, as per usual.

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