Ch. 6

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'I don't understand' Sana said to me on our way to her house after class.

'What?' I asked her curiously.

'Why did you say no to the internship offer that Mahmood Sir talked to you it because it's Zain's company?' She gave me a side look.

'It's not because of him...I am not interested' I told her, hoping she'll change the subject. Since Sana's engagement night, I have been trying my absolute best to avoid Zain. I go to his house when I know for sure he's not going to be there. I didn't know what to make of his reaction from that night. The more I thought about him, the more anxious I felt, and I didn't want that. He clearly saw me a clumsy stupid girl who didn't do anything properly. Accepting the internship offer to go work for his company would mean asking for more of his hostile behavior towards me.

'Yeah right...' I sensed amusement in her voice.

'It's true...I declined because I wasn't interested in the offer...not because of him' I added later. After dropping her home, I decided to go to the mall to pick a gift for Ramsha's birthday that was today. I hated shopping alone, there were too many options to choose from. Sana had to go somewhere with her family, so I couldn't call her for advice, so I decided to call Anum, hoping she'll suggest some good gift ideas.

'Hi Anum, are you busy?' I asked her as soon as she answered the call.

'No not really, I am just waiting for Zain to pick me up' She informed me.

'Are you going somewhere?' I asked her while browsing through shelves of perfumes.

'No...I am at the mall, I had to pick up a few things' She told me.

'I am at the mall's Ramsha's birthday today...I was hoping if you could help me to find a gift for her...I feel like she has everything' I gave up.

After I told her about the mall, we both found out that we were in the same area. She told me that'll she will come to meet me so I went to go find her at the food court when she called to inform me that she had arrived.

'If I knew you were coming here, I would have joined you earlier' I told her once I found her.

'I was getting bored at home' She told me.

'Why don't you work with Zain or enroll in some classes to keep yourself busy?' I asked her.

'Zain tells me the same thing...I don't know I just get distracted you know...I feel like I have fallen behind' She looked sad.

'You haven't fallen behind...he is right, you should start'll be good for you...think about it' I advised her, and she shook her head in agreement.

'Zain is on his way...' She mumbled as she checked her phone.

'What about our shopping?' I asked her.

'He'll join us' She said casually.

'I don't want to waste your time...I am sure he has better things to do... ' I told Anum one more time as we walked near the mall entrance to find Zain.

'Zain' Anum called out his name, ignoring my statement all together. He turned around and his eyes spotted me in a quick second. I wish I could stare at him the way he did, he didn't care if I mind him looking at me. He had so much confidence...too much in fact that it annoyed me. I felt shy, so I looked away from his glare as he walked closer to us.

'Got everything?' He asked Anum, not paying much to me anymore. I wanted him to not notice me then why did it feel bad when he didn't acknowledge me. There was something really wrong with me.

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