Ch. 29

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'Are you serious? He hasn't contacted you since then?' Sana asked me over the phone when I told her that I haven't heard from Zain, the only time I spoke to him when he called me to inform me that he had arrived safely.  I was getting worried about him and had gotten even more concerned when I asked Anum if she spoke to Zain and she said she did. Was Zain avoiding me on purpose?

'No Sana...I even called the hotel he is staying at and he didn't receive the call, I don't know what to do?' I told her.

'Don't worry I am sure there is a valid reason...he'll be back tomorrow so you'll get your answers' She tried to ease me but it didn't help. I kept thinking about our last conversation...everything was fine then what happened all of a sudden?

'Yeah, I hope he is okay' I replied.

'Why didn't you tell this to Anum...she would have talked to Zain' She asked me.

'I didn't want to make her worried, everyone is so happy about our marriage and if I had talked to Anum about it she would have gotten upset, I think it's better if I talk to him directly...sorry, I disturbed you on your trip...I just really wanted to talk to you' I said to her.

'Don't be crazy, you can call me anytime and don't overthink things okay?' She told me.

'Okay, I am going outside for wedding shopping with Mama, Aunty, and Anum so I'll call you later' I told her.

'Alright I will see you soon and try to have fun, everything is going to be okay' She said to me, trying to make me feel better.

'Yeah, bye' I ended the call.

Both of our families had started preparing for the Nikkah ceremony which was just a few days away. I was happy but the sudden silence from Zain was making me anxious. I didn't know who to ask about Zain, what was going on with him? Was he not ready for marriage anymore? Did he change his mind? What changed so suddenly?

'Ready?' Anum answered the door when I rang the doorbell so we could go shopping.

'Sure am' I said in the best uplifting voice possible. Jamila Aunty joined us seconds later and we all head over to the mall to start dress shopping. As soon as we entered the mall, Mama, and Aunty went their separate ways and we went on ours. Although Anum sense of style was completely different from mine; she was still very good at selecting clothes for me. As soon as she pointed at the crème and berry red-colored wedding dress I knew this was it. Anum looked at me and I smiled widely at her, she called her mother and Mama to the store so they can approve the dress and they did. I finally had my Nikkah dress. Anum told me that Zain said that he'll get his own suit so we didn't have to worry about shopping for him. I still wanted to get him something so I asked Anum to join her mother while I went to go look for something for Zain.

I was busy looking at different gift options at a store when I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. I rapidly turned around and saw Sumaiya standing in front of me. What was she doing here? Did she recognize me?

'Sorry I didn't want to scare you' She looked at my hands that were up in a defensive mode for some reason.

'You didn't...hi' I dropped my hands.

'Hi, I thought you are not going to recognize me' She smiled but there was something off about her or maybe it was just my imagination. Knowing that there was a time when she used to like Zain didn't settle right with me.

'No I remember you, how are you?' I asked her politely.

'I am good, I thought I was going to see you after that event but you just disappeared' She said flatly, reminding me of my cold departure from her product launch party and crazy encounter with Zain. Zain and I were on complete extreme ends from each other yet somehow we managed to meet in between. We found our balance in each other.

'I apologize for leaving like that, I wasn't feeling well that day' I responded.

'Yeah I asked Zain about you he said you were just a temporary employee' She said to me, looking at me with a strange expression.

' was nice seeing you' I tried to move but she kind of stepped forward and blocked my way.

'I'll be seeing Zain tomorrow at my birthday party...why don't you come too?' She presented the invitation. Zain was attending her birthday tomorrow? Did he talk to her recently?

'Did you talk to him recently?' I couldn't help but ask.

'Yeah just this morning, he is away on a business trip but he'll be back by tomorrow' She informed me. So it was just me that he was avoiding. I had to get out from here.

'I am sorry I have to go' I moved to the other side but she extended her hand towards me to take.

'Sure...please try to come tomorrow, it's at Liston Hotel at 9 pm' She said when I shook her hand. I pulled my hand back and got myself out of that space. I felt an underlying tension between her and me as if something was wrong but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

'You're okay?' Anum looked at me with concern when I met her in a bookstore.

'Yeah' I hurried.

'Okay...did you find anything for Zain?' She asked me and I shook my head to say no.

'It's okay don't worry about it Zain doesn't like receiving gifts anyway' She added.

'When will he reach here tomorrow?' I asked her.

'Around 5 in the evening I think, I asked if he wanted us to come to the airport to pick him up but he said he'll get a cab' She answered.

'I can go to pick him from the airport' I said to her and she thought it was a great idea and as for me, I thought it'll be the best way to talk to him alone. I had my doubts on what Sumaiya said to me about Zain but if she knew about his business trip then he must have spoken to her. Was he really going to her birthday tomorrow? It was fine if he was going but why was he talking to everyone except me. I thought he was done playing games, was I wrong?


You asked and I delivered, hope you guys enjoy the double update this week xx

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