Ch. 20

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'I need to talk to you' I marched into Zain's office and saw him with Bisma. They were discussing some stuff but I didn't care. I stood there waiting for him to explain himself.

'Give us a minute please' He looked at Bisma and she left, but not before giving me a filthy glare. Zain was sitting on his usual spot, facing me with a hint of amusement as if I was there to entertain him.

'How can I help you?' I heard him say. If I had something in my hand, I would have thrown it at him.

'What are you doing?' I asked him furiously.

'You do realize this is my office right?' He kept pushing my nerves. Why couldn't he just answer my question properly?

'Zain I am serious...what did you tell your mother?' I confronted him again.

'What did I do? She is my mother and I can talk to her whenever I want' He replied as if he was clueless about everything.

'Unbelievable...stop this drama know exactly what I am talking about' I stared at him. This man was unbelievable.

'Drama? I am doing drama? You know who started it all... I think it was you...with your stupid proposal with that guy...that was the real drama' He got up from the chair and placed his hands on the table, keeping his eyes locked with mine.

'Agreeing to marry someone is a personal matter wasn't a drama...and you can't just interfere in my personal life...for God sake, what were you thinking? You ask me for a second chance and today you come to my house and then your mother calls and...' I stopped halfway.

'Listen, Maya...' He approached me.

'No...I don't want to listen to you...stop this already, you can't mess with me like that' I stepped back.

'Maya...I am not messing with you' He came closer to me and grabbed my elbow, preventing me from leaving.

'Leave my hand' I told him.

'You are done's my turn now' He pulled me to the side, away from the window so no one could see us from outside.

'You are scared that's why you are here' He said as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

'You are scared of your feelings towards aren't afraid of's your heart that you are afraid of ' His voice got softer.

'Remember when I came to your house to fix your dad's was an impulse that I couldn't figure out...I didn't know why I did that...even today...I just knew I had to see you' He grabbed the side of my face to make me look at him.

'When you told me that your parents are looking for a guy for you to marry...that's when I realized how much losing you would affect me' His voice, his words, his eyes...everything made me want to believe him but something inside of me was preventing me from doing so, so I immediately lowered my gaze away from him.

'I am in love with you' He announced and my eyes shot up to look at him as he declared his feelings.

'It made me so angry with myself...I didn't understand how I could love you...after everything that happened between us,' He closed his eyes for a moment. Unable to say anything, all I could do was look at him as he acknowledged his emotions.

'I was scared of you' He looked at me again, defeated.

'But whenever I see you...I realize that the feeling I used to be afraid now gives me a reason to live' He spoke those words so easily and here I was out of words, silent and still.

'Be mine, Maya' He declared, anticipating for my response.

'I have to go' I managed to stutter, my vision getting blurry with tears. I tried to leave but he pushed me back against the wall.

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