Ch. 25

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The wedding day had finally arrived. I was waiting for Sana while she was getting her makeup done; she looked like a queen dressed in elaborate red dress and gold jewelry. She was just a few hours away from tying her life with someone else.

'Wasim Bhai won't be able to take his eyes off of you' I told Sana when she finally got ready.

'Yes but I know certain someone who is only going to be there for you' She looked at my face and I felt embarrassed.

'Let's go...everyone is waiting for you' I grabbed her hand and took her outside where her family was waiting. As we entered the venue, everyone eyes turned to look at Sana and I looked at Wasim Bhai and saw him looking at Sana with complete admiration. He walked towards her and held her hand to walk her to the main stage where the Imam was waiting to start the ceremony. Everyone had almost arrived, except for Zain's family.

'Who are you looking for?' Ramsha asked from behind and I turned towards her.

'No one' I shrugged.

'Don't worry he'll come soon' I heard her say but didn't reply to her. In the middle of the Nikkah ceremony, I finally noticed Zain and his family entering the hall. His looked around the hall until his eyes stopped on me and he smiled at my way. He excused his family and walked towards me.

'Hi,' He greeted me with a smile.

'Hi,' I replied, feeling shy to meet his captivating eyes.

'Were you waiting for me?' He whispered as he leaned closer to me.

'No' I lied as I pulled back.

'I don't believe you' He smirked and went to congratulate Wasim and Sana as their Nikkah ceremony concluded. I went to go sit with Anum and noticed her glancing at Zeeshan Bhai while he was busy talking to his friends.

'Is everything okay between you two?' I couldn't help but ask. I promised her that I won't mention about Zeeshan Bhai to her but after seeing them looking at each other like that I knew there was something between them.

'We are friends' She said and I stared at her.

'Friends?' I asked.

'I like being around him Maya and after I spoke to you about him I realized that I was making a big mistake of pushing away a person like him. He understands me and makes me feel normal. I want to keep our friendship' She informed me.

'He is okay with being just your friend?' I questioned her. I knew Zeeshan Bhai had strong feelings for her then how come he agreed to stay friends with her?

'It seems like it' She looked at him again and when I saw Zeeshan Bhai I saw the same emotions in his eyes that he had when he told me he liked Anum. He was looking at Anum with love and Anum was returning the same emotion then why was she refusing his affection? I had to talk to Zain about it. Maybe he could talk to her. But what if he gets upset? I let the thought slide away.

'You alright?' I heard Zain's voice and I nervously looked up at him, finding him standing next to me.

'Sorry...yeah, I am fine' I looked down.

'Give me your hand' I heard him say. Our parents were sitting at a few tables away from us but with his loud voice, everyone looked over to see what was happening. Anum smiled widely at her brother and I got up to leave. He blocked my way.

'Where are you going?' He moved and stood in my way. I looked at his hands and saw him holding two flower bracelets in his hands. I stared at him shockingly. I was too astonished to react to his gesture when he grabbed my hands and slipped the bracelets onto my wrists. I pulled my hand from his hands and went to see Sana.

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