Chapter 8

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"Luke...Luke...Luke!!" I screamed out, "Luke, Baby, wake up." He's not gonna fucking die on me, "fuck!" i yelled. What was in that weed? It was fucking laced. "Luke..." he was foaming from the mouth, his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"We went out on a date, in the forest to be exact and he brought weed with him. He smoked it and after a couple of minutes later he fell to the floor and started foaming from the mouth. Which i found out later that it was laced with some sketchy shit."

"and how did that make you feel, Michael?"

"Scared, I didn't know what to do..."

Fuck! Fuck, Michael think. think. I rolled Luke to his side, he looked like awful.

" Really scared," i leaned forward trying to swallow the lump that was in my throat, "He just fell and his eyes rolled back and he started to foam and twitch. It was awful. We couldn't go to the hospital and i couldn't call anyone."

"What did you do then?"

"He... he just got better."

I fell back, i pulled my knees up to my chest and just watched him slowly die in front of me. I buried my head in-between my knees. All i heard was him gurgling. I started to rock back and fourth.

I was crying, trying to block out the noises until i heard him cough. My head shot up, he was trying to get up.

I quickly crawled to him, "Luke! Oh Luke, are you okay?" i said frantically, i grabbed his arms trying to sit him up.

"Fuck... Michael?"

"I'm right here, baby, i'm right here."

"Michael that felt...Amazing."

My arms dropped back to my side, i looked at him. there was a smile on his face, "Luke are you serious? You almost died! How could that be amazing?" i yelled while getting back up.

"You mind giving me some water?" he said while smirking

I walked back to our tent, grabbed a water bottle and threw it at him, "I can't believe you Luke. You're unbelievable." i sighed sitting down in front of him.
"You should try it michael."

"And did you?" My therapist asked

"No, instead i did heroine. I was really mad at him. And i was really sad. So i did heroine instead."

"It sounds like Luke made your life hard, so you turned to the only thing you guys have in common which was drugs."

"Yea, i guess so."

So, i reread some of the chapters before this and i thought about how cringy and shitty they were. also s/o to those ppl who commented on my shit and made me want to write again bc y'all enjoyed this shitty fic

till we meet again my loves

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