Chapter 10

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It's been two months since my last therapy session. i've been locked up in my room, coming out once in a while for food. all i've been doing is drugs, and sleeping.

my moms worried about me...

i feel bad...

i sighed, getting out of my bed for the first time in days. i decided to take a shower, i smell awful. i grabbed my towel and made my way to the bathroom.

i looked at myself in the mirror.

my body was too skinny...

my eyes look sunken in...

i look horrible. i sighed. i cant look at myself anymore. i don't even know who i am. i became everything i told myself i wouldn't become.
i went from a straight A student that would never hurt a fly, to a fucking junky.

i shook the thoughts out my head and turned on the water. i got in the shower and i sat down.
i brought my knees to my chest and just cried. i cried so much, i cried for calum, i cried for my mom, i cried for luke, i cried for my old life again...

"luke... luke you fucking," i ran my fingers through my hair, "he's a homeless man, no one is going to look for him. let's just throw his body in the woods... and we'll never talk about this again." luke said frantically

that's when i did it

i couldn't contain my anger anymore. i lunged at luke, "i fucking hate you!" i tackled him to the ground and pinned him, "fuck you, luke!
i hate you so much! you got me addicted to drugs and now you're trying to get me to help you hide a body! you're fucking nuts." he looked scared, "i..i can't do this anymore luke," i whispered, "i'm sorry, but i can't." i got off of him. his pleas where muffled by the thoughts running through my head, i turned my heels and started walking the other way...

no matter how toxic luke is, i still miss him. i miss luke, the luke that isn't on drugs. the version that he's being right now. after about twenty more minutes i got up and turned the shower off. i wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back to my room.

my mom was in my room with a trash bag in hand, throwing away my drugs.

"mom! mom what the fuck are you doing?!" i rushed towards her trying to reach for the bag, "enough is enough michael!"she said, "i'm throwing away your drugs."

i felt my eyes water, "mom please no, please. i'll be a good boy from now on, just please don't throw away my drugs." she tried to push me away, but that only made us fall to the floor. "mom please, please give me back my drugs," i said crying, "i need them mom..." at this point my head was in my moms chest and she was hugging me, "shh," she said starting to cry, "it's okay honey."

i'm worthless, i don't mean anything. i disappointed everyone around me, "mom i'm sorry... mom i'm sorry-" i started craving, "mom i'll be a goodbye, just please, please give me back my drugs," i hiccuped, "at least just my heroine mom. that's it, after that no more drugs yea? i'll be like before. good old michael," her grip on me tightened, "yea? i'll go back to playing v-v-video games and- and ill bring c-calum over. And i'll go back to annoying you about the-the, my-my clases and school and everything's else mom, just please... don't throw away my drugs." i said through my hiccups.

she hugged me tighter and she started crying harder. she hugged me like her life depended on it, "michael, the police are on their way."

my eyes widen, "you bitch!" i pushed her away, "you called the police on your only son!" she tried to reach out for me but i swatted her hands away. i quickly put a shirt on and some sweat pants.

"it's for your on good, baby."

"how can you do this to ur only son!,"

"honey, i-"

"no! fuck you! i fucking hate you, you stupid bitch."

without thinking i grabbed my bookbag, and my shoes and ran out the house.
i left my mom back in my room, on the floor crying.

👀 that's how luke looks like whenever he was addicted to drugs

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