Chapter Fourteen

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I stand in front of Gabby's Diner like I have many times before, except I'm not here to work. I'm here to meet Jose for our first date.

My first date ever.

I stare down at my worn out tennis shoes, faded jeans, and second-hand polo shirt before releasing a sigh. I wish I had nicer clothes. I look gross. I feel gross. This isn't how I'm supposed to feel before going on a date.

I should back out. I should turn around and go home before Jose sees me.

Too late. I've been spotted. He's inside at the corner table next to the window—my favorite table, actually—waving me down.

I take a long, steady breath and go inside. It's just coffee with a cute boy. How hard could it be?

Jose stands up when he sees me. He gives me a quick hug before holding out my chair and gesturing for me to sit.

"Hope you haven't been waiting long," I say, fiddling with the menu, even though I know I'm going to order the same thing I always do: a caramel cappuccino and a slice of Gabrielle's homemade blueberry pie.

"Nah, I just got here," he reassures me. "I'm glad you made it. I was worried you wouldn't show."


"You didn't want me to pick you up. I figured that was to ensure you didn't have to come, if you know what I mean."

My reasoning behind that had nothing to do with him and everything to do with my dad, but I keep that to myself. I just smile, point to his untouched menu, and ask, "Do you know what you're going to order?"

"I don't know. I was hoping you would help me."

"I like everything, so I'm kind of biased," I say with a chuckle. "Do you want something sweet or savory?"

"Sweet." He doesn't hesitate. "Definitely sweet."

"Well, my favorite is the blueberry pie. It's divine," I tell him. "The caramel cheesecake and the apple pie are really good, too."

"Let's get one of each," he says. "We can split them."

One of my co-workers, Connie, who's in her early seventies, jots down our order. She flashes me a mischievous smile before bringing the slip to the kitchen.

"So," Jose begins, putting his hands together, "tell me about yourself."

I shrug my shoulders. "There isn't much to say."

"There's gotta be something."

"Well... I'm a bit of a nerd. That's what I've been told, anyway. I love books, and I do pretty well in school."

"I'm not much of a reader," he admits. "My dad used to read to us when we were little. A Series of Unfortunate Events was his go-to."

"I love those books! I used to check them out from the library when I was younger. The Reptile Room was my favorite."

"I don't really remember them now. I mean, I remember Dad sitting at the end of my bed and reading to me, but not the plot or the characters or any of that stuff."

"It was nice of your dad to read you bedtime stories," I comment. "A lot of parents don't have time for that these days."

He knits his brows together. "What? Did your parents not read to you or something?"

"Um, my dad... well, he worked a lot," I lie. "He was too tired at the end of the day."

"What about your mom?"

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