Chapter Four

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Ada and I sit in my bedroom, our ears pressed to the door, waiting for the yelling to start. We concocted a flawless scheme to break up my dad and Mallory.

We opted with the classic make-her-think-he's cheating ruse. While my dad was asleep, we swiped his cell and sent a bunch of risqué texts to the burner phone Ada bought. Tonight, while he and Mallory are watching a movie in the living room, we're going to reply to those messages.

"Say 'I want to sit on your face,'" Ada instructs me. "Actually, scratch that. 'I want to sit on your dick' is better."

Cringing, I compose the message and then hit send. Just thinking about Hank's male parts makes me want to vomit.

"Okay, now say 'I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since our kinky night,'" Ada tells me.

"Eww," I mutter, but send the message, anyway.

"It's gotta seem real, you know?"

"I understand. I'm just... disgusted."

She chuckles. "I feel ya. I walked in on my parents having sex once, and it scarred me for life."

"I told you to go to bed."

"I... I heard noises. I... I thought...."

"You thought what, kid? You thought you could disobey me?"

"I wasn't trying to."

"Don't walk away from me!" He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me toward him. "You're a little shit, you know that? You're a fucking—"

"Hank! For fuck's sake, she's a child!"

"She's a brat."

Tears streamed down my face. "Can I... can I please just go back to my room?"

"You want to go back to your room, huh?" He rolled his eyes. "What you should have done is stayed there like I fucking asked."

"I'm so sorry."

"Stop crying!" He shoved me the ground with so much force that my head spun. I landed on my side. Pain shot through my wrist and up my arm.

"Layla! Earth to Layla!"

I feel a hand on my arm and flinch. Ada quickly recoils, her face painted with concern.

"You okay? You spaced out for a minute there."

"I'm... I'm fine." I take a deep breath, gripping the burner phone in my hand. "We need to give this mystery woman a name."

"Ooh, okay." She bites her lip. "What about... Mercedes?"

I shake my head. "It should be Teresa."

"Teresa. I like it."

I begin to type. Before getting Ada's approval, I hit send.

Over my shoulder, she reads, "'Your little Teresa misses you so much. When can I see you again?'"

"That one will get his attention," I assure her. "Trust me, he and Mallory will be at each other's throats soon."

We wait another half hour. Finally, we hear something promising.

"What the fuck, Hank? Who's Teresa?"

"I don't know, okay? Probably a wrong number or something."

"Oh, yeah? A wrong number that you've been texting?"

"What the fuck? Give me back my phone, you bitch!"

The familiar sound of a slap makes my heart stop.

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