Chapter Seventeen

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Thanksgiving is in a few days, and I can't stop thinking about Ada.

Last year, she joined us at Damian's. That was the day she met Keaton, the day she fell for the emancipated minor's aquamarine eyes and quiet energy.

"Just shut up and let me be in love," she told me when I questioned her infatuation for the boy. I couldn't comprehend why she liked him so much.

Thanks to Jose, I finally do.

He didn't breakup with me after my hasty exit from his bedroom. However, things between us have strained. Tense. Awkward. We went from tearing off each other's clothes to tame pecks on the cheek. He's afraid to touch me. I can feel his resistance every time we're close.

I wish I had a girlfriend to talk to about it. I could confide in Damian, but it's not the same. I need a woman's perspective.

I need Ada. Too bad her parents sent her away.

As I sit in the cafeteria, stirring my chicken noodle soup with a spoon, I feel eyes on the back of my neck, like someone's watching me from afar. I spin around and catch Jessica Jermain staring at me. Ever since she told her muscle-head boyfriend to leave me alone, she's been oddly fascinated with me. I've caught her gawking at me several times over the past few weeks, and I don't know why. Perhaps she's waiting for me to thank her.

If that's the case, she'll be waiting a long time.

"Where's Jose?" Damian plops his tray down and claims the seat beside me. "Don't you guys usually eat lunch together?"

"We do." I ignore the contempt in my best friend's voice. "He and Mariana are visiting family in Los Angeles. They'll be back after the holiday."

"Oh?" He smiles. "That might be nice. I feel like I haven't seen you in months."

"Well, I'm all yours on Thanksgiving," I reply. I'm sad that Jose is two-thousand miles away, but it will be nice to have some quality time with Damian.

He places his hand over mine, sending a chill up my arm. "I'm looking forward to it. I miss you."

I've missed him, too. He was with Haven all summer, and I began dating Jose as soon as school started. It's been a while since the two of us hung out.

Mostly, I'm excited to have a break from Starkton High. Between Jessica's lingering eyes, Evan's relentless teasing, and the awkwardness that is now my relationship with Jose, some time away is overdue.


"Happy Thanksgiving, sweetie!" Moira pulls me into a bear hug. I rest my head on her shoulder. Her arms feel like coming home.

"Careful, Mom," Damian says with a chuckle. "You're gonna break the poor girl."

"I can't help it. I've missed her," she replies, loosening her anaconda grip ever so slightly. "How have you been, honey? Damian informs me that you have a boyfriend?!"

"I do." I can feel myself blushing.

"I'm eager to hear all about him." She hands me a glass of fruit punch and gestures for me to sit. "What's his name?"


"Is he from around here?"

"California, actually. He moved here over the summer."

"Is he nice to you?"

I laugh. "Yes, he's very nice."

Moira's lips part into a warm smile. "You're falling in love with him. It's all over your face."

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