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— 2. Decade's Dance

    Annikah entered the 60's dance at Mystic Falls High

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    Annikah entered the 60's dance at Mystic Falls High. Numerous friends and couples danced to the music playing and there were many decorations floating around. She rolled her eyes at some of the clothes the teens were wearings. They may have believed that it was worn in that decade, but it hadn't been, which she found a bit amused.

Annikah glanced around the gym, searching for Klaus. She soon found him, dancing through the crowds of people, causing her to start laughing in amusement. Her laughter immediately died when she felt a familiar presence approaching her.

Soon enough, Damon appeared, standing beside her. She didn't bother looking directly at him and instead rolled her eyes, "What do you want, Salvatore?" She asked the eldest Salvatore brother in annoyance.

"You've been avoiding me for days now, Ann," Damon commented, his tone almost mocking, "What'd I do this time?" He asked, only to get silence in return, which allowed him to piece everything together, "Oh, is this about the night of the Masquerade?"

"We vowed not to speak of it again," Annikah responded without hesitation, shaking her head.

"Speak of what?" Damon asked before his tone became louder, "The fact that we slept together."

Damon's voice was so loud that Klaus, who was making his way toward them, heard what he had said, causing him to stop in his tracks and turn to look at the duo, "I was drunk. It meant nothing." She told Damon in a cold tone, glaring at him before storming off.

Damon sighed in defeat, just before Stefan walked over, patting him on the back, "Ouch. She told you," He mockingly told his elder brother, who immediately glared at him.

Just then, Annikah turned her head, watching an unknown girl walked onto the stage and spoke into the microphone, "Thanks for being here, everybody. We have a special shoutout tonight," She announced, a large smile on her face, "This is for Elena. From Klaus and Annikah."

Annikah quietly laughed to herself, shaking her head in response when he saw the proud look on Klaus' face from across the room.

She took a deep breath, walking over to where the rest of the group stood, "That was a lame, cheap shot," Damon complained, clearly unimpressed, "He's just trying to bait us."

Elena glanced around, trying to see if there was anyone at the dance she didn't know, "I know everyone here," She informed her friends, an uneasy look on her face.

"Maybe he's not here," Stefan spoke up, trying to think of something that would explain what happened, "Just wants us to believe he is."

"This is a party, people. Blend in," Annikah spoke up, causing them to turn to her, "Dance like a normal person. Let him come to us."

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