Burning, Crying

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We made it to the roof, panting as we busted through the door. We looked up at the satellite tower, and Alex gulped. I grabbed his hand.

"Oh my god, that's tall."

"You go first." I told him.

"What?" He turned to me with wide eyes.

"You go first so if anything happens, I can catch you. Okay?"

He eyed me and then finally nodded. "Okay."

He started up the tower, one rung at a time. He kept telling himself not to look down, and I had to keep telling myself that everything would be fine. The climb went faster than I expected, and soon we were at the edge of the clouds. He got up there, a few feet above the dish. I stood with my head against his back, so that my foot could reach the bottom while his reached the top.

"On three, okay?" He called down to me.

I nodded, hands tight around the metal. "Okay."

"One... two... three!"

We swung our feet at the dish, moving it a little bit. He slipped, and I tightened my hold around him.

"It's okay. It's okay. We're okay. I've got you." I let out a breath.

"Ava! Alex! Alex! Ava! Ava!" I could hear Gabriel.

"God?" Alex looked around.

"It's Gabriel." I was confused.

"Behind you, look down!"

I looked over my shoulder to see the alien.

"Oh God!" Alex almost slipped again.

"Al, we gotta do this, now!"

"Go, hurry, guys!"

I could hear Armstrong barking over the PA, and I could feel the tower shaking under the weight of the alien.

"Alex, come on!"

He grunted and we kicked at it again. The light turned green.

"Move!" I screamed, seeing the alien close below us.

Alex scrambled up, feet and hands everywhere. I received a few kicks to the head, but it was that or the alien, which was screeching below us.

"Alex, we have to go down the cable!" I pointed.

He nodded, pulling his belt off. My hands went to my waistband, and my heart stopped. He looked down at me, eyes wide.

"I don't have a belt." It was a whimper, and the alien roared.

"Go first."


"Go first!" Alex tugged me by the arm.

I steadied my legs against the tower as I threw the belt over the cable, holding both ends like a zip-line.

"Getting on!" Alex warned me, and I could barely hear him over the alien.

I felt him dig a heel into my hip, a signal that he was ready. I let go of the tower and we went down, flying faster than I would've liked. We were both screaming, and I could still hear the alien's noises.

"Gotta let go!" I shouted to him and I dropped the belt.

We went tumbling to the floor with thuds and grunts. The alien hissed. I pushed myself to my feet and grabbed Alex, pulling him onto his feet.

"Let's go! Come on!" I shouted at him, stumbling to the door.

We slammed it behind us as the alien crashed back down, roaring. We tripped over each other's feet, falling down the stairs. I curled up, my head throbbing. Alex huffed from beside me, clutching his knee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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