02. Earth, Wind, and (Mostly) Fire

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wc: 1487

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wc: 1487

Side note: Look at this gif. If you already did.... look again ;)


You stood among the crowd of followers in the Lestrange tomb, doing your very best not to draw attention to yourself. There were murmurs and whispers of conversation around you, but you could hardly hear them over the sound of your beating heart. Both the amount of ill-willed wizards and witches and the ones you've done deals with concerning dark magic made you nervous beyond belief. The knots in your stomach that were telling you something bad was bound to happen didn't help either.

You were supposed to be undercover, listening for information in the crowd and watching for anything out of place. Any useful information was to be reported back to Theseus immediately. You felt like a part of the team, even if it was just for this case. You had to admit, you liked the feeling it gave you. The way you had to use your mind, the high stakes, the knowing something the crowd didn't... They didn't even need to have a tracker in your wand (which they did out of lawful obligation), you weren't going anywhere. You loved the feeling this job gave you and they knew it.

Suddenly, the crowd quieted and the looming figure of Grindelwald entered the tomb, not even needing to raise a hand or ask for quiet, eerie silence already filling the air as he mad e his presence known. His tall, pale body commanded the attention of the room effortlessly. He gazed around at the crowd, studying them, and you felt chills run through your body when his eyes passed over you. Suddenly, you understood just how this man commanded the attentions of so many wizards so easily.

He delivered his speech on Muggle-borns and wizard-supremacy, but you could hardly hear it over the sound of your own heartbeat. You knew many people had been stirred and were moved to join his cause, and it was convincing. No, it was seductive. You might have been one of them if you didn't already know the dangers of his illustrious power. But in truth, you didn't see much of a difference in Muggles and wizards. You thoroughly believed no one person could possibly be better than another on something as little as how they were born.

After many minutes passed of his cold voice twisting around the room like a venomous snake in a cold river, you saw Vinda Rosier approach Grindelwald with a very familiar object. It was the same skull you had sold her to enhance and project Seer visions. Your stomach twisted with guilt. You sent a message with this new information to Theseus with a spell he showed you before you entered. Flashes of war, famine, and danger flew through the air, some of the crowd screaming and crying out with every fiery blast the images showed. You reported every moment you could as inconspicuously as possible. It wasn't too hard because every eye in the room was fixed upon the horrible and grotesque images of the future.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Theseus and the other aurors begin to infiltrate the large room very slowly. They were clearly trying not to draw attention to themselves. Too late.

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