12. Hands. That's all.

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wc: 706———————//————————Your POV"No, I'm pretty sure–" you start, confused

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wc: 706
Your POV
"No, I'm pretty sure–" you start, confused.

Theseus shook his head. "No, it was your brother, but he was being controlled by someone else. The imperious curse. And I think that person is Grindelwald," said Theseus, searching your eyes.

You were at a loss for words. That would explain how he got better at dueling so quickly, and his character... you turned away, hands on your head, trying desperately to comprehend what Theseus was saying. But why would Grindelwald want you on his side so badly? You remembered Charlie– or whoever he was– saying something about your dark object expertise. He must need you badly to go through all of this trouble to get you... But what did you know that a powerful, smart wizard didn't?

"Are you sure? I– I don't think..." Your own thoughts cut you off. It didn't make sense, but everything else Theseus said checked out. "Oh," you said simply, your head spinning. Now you just needed to figure out why you were so important to Grindelwald.

"Yeah. I think when you called him that name, you must've just barely broken through and he must have fought back harder. I saw him fighting against himself, there's no denying he didn't want Grindelwald in there."

You nodded. Your thoughts were so jumbled, that's all you could do. Silence followed these discoveries until you remembered why you were down there in the first place.

"Theseus! Holy shit, he's in a castle!"

You'll just have to worry about your own problems later.

He swore and sprung into action. "Right, come on!" He exclaimed, and grabbed your hand, leading you back to the elevator.

Did he notice what that did to you?? His hand holding yours. Did he do it on purpose? Your chest felt close to exploding. You loved this feeling. It was just... right somehow. You looked at your adjoined hands. His warm, pale hand squeezed tightly over yours, fitting the curves and edges perfectly together. Theseus and y/n... the phrase floated around in your head for a moment. But no, Theseus was out of the question. Off the menu, as your mum used to say about non-bachelors. But you just can't keep your mind off Theseus and y/n...

You returned to Theseus's office still holding hands, causing Mustache to raise an eyebrow.

"Jesus, it's about time, you two. What did you do, take a detour?" He asked, implying heavily that they he thought you two were, to put it delicately, 'involved'. Unfortunately, he had taken to assuming lots of things about the two of you lately.

You hastily let go of each other. "I've no idea what you're talking about, John," Theseus said airily, though you both could see the red growing on his face. He discreetly threw a wink back at you, and you had to take a deep breath.

Oh no, you thought to yourself. If he keeps this up, I'm going to have a stroke.

"Right. We went to the Pensieve in the Department of Mysteries and we learned Grindelwald is living in a castle. Or at least he was a few days ago," said Theseus, to the excitement of Mustache.

"What! Why didn't we try that ages ago?" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Is it because it's technically illegal to use it on witnesses?" you asked innocently.

Theseus shrugged, saying "But you're not just any witness, y/n.... Just-- don't mention it to McLaird, yeah?" and quickly got back to business. So even the golden boy broke the rules sometimes! You noted that this was the first time you've ever seen him stray away from any kind of conduct, let alone actual rules. "I'm going to tell the other aurors out there to start searching for some that would fit. I'm thinking it's in Austria or Germany. He wouldn't have gone far, from Paris, and he definitely would want to stay out of the cities to keep from unwanted attention. And," he added. "He's done some work in the Austrian area as well so that's where we'll start."

You nodded, walking to a shelf and pulling out a large, heavy book of maps. "Let's get going, boys."


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