Chapter 1

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A/N: Updates are garanteed every Sunday and I update when I can during the week in between!  That way you can count you'll get a chapter. If I don't think I'll make Sunday, then I'll let you know! 👍💜💜

Enjoy the story! 🤗

Amari POV

I cracked my knuckles with a stony expression on my face as I waited for my turn to spar. It was ten thirty in the morning and like usual, the enforcers were out in the early sun, going through usual training and protocol. 

I'd done ten laps of the territory at early hours, so early, it had still been dark outside. But that's the way I liked it. Alone and free, running without anyone there to distract or stop me.

Ten laps of the border belonging to the large territory of Moon Cave might have seemed extensive. But I loved the strain on my body, the way it forced my muscles to strengthen and perform. It forced me to keep going even when my body burned and my lungs ached. And that's what I needed, to keep pushing myself, to keep making myself better, stronger.

Now as I sat, I could feel stares on my back, prickling at my skin. Ignoring them with an indifferent air, I tied my curls back off my face to stop them from getting in my eyes while I fought. It was usual that that pack stared. I'd been getting it for the past nine years.

I was Amari, the wolf who never shifted. The wolf who seemed to have no heart, who was always cold. I was the wolf who fought wolves in my human form during training. That was how my pack mates knew me and I liked it that way.

You could say I was a loner, or an outcast. I kept to myself and everyone kept away from me. It was lonely, but it was better this way. Besides, I had a secret no one could find out. It was best if the pack kept their distance.

"Amari, you're up," Tao, the head enforcer here, called my name and I stood, heading into the middle of the clearing. He was tall and strong, with large, but lean muscles, dark brown hair and even darker eyes. He was good friends with the alpha, and held a high position within the pack.

Luka had been alpha for three years now, but had yet to choose a beta. Tao also took up that role along side head enforcer while the alpha took his time making a decision.

"You should shift Amari, your wolf needs to train too." Tao spoke, his tone doting. It rubbed me up the wrong way, like I was a disobedient child who needed a talking to. I clenched my jaw in annoyance.

He told me this, but he knew I wouldn't. He said the same thing everyday and I never listened, for good reason. Instead, I focused my attention on the male across from me.

Bracken was tall and lean with evenly placed muscles and a focused glare. He was a good match. We had similar body types and both fought very well. He was a good sparring partner, a great enforcer.

When I'd first started training with the enforcer's at sixteen, it was in an effort to control my anger. The alpha at the time, Nick, who was my adopted father, had pushed me to train since he knew my explosive outbursts would definately become a problem.

It was no secret that I was a hot head, both on and off the training field. What most people didn't understand, was that my anger wasn't just because I was an asshole. It was because I was in pain and the anger was a distraction. People focused more on my "ugly attitude" and that in turn allowed me to hide who I truly was.

When I first started training, Tao had made the mistake of placing me with a weaker wolf, believing I couldn't fight well enough for someone better. That wolf almost died. From then on, I'd only been allowed to spar with higher ranking dominant wolves within the pack to even out the playing field.

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