Chapter 50

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A/N: Finally birth chapter 🎉 Just another reminder, don't take this seriously, it's all fiction. I've never been pregnant, non an expert at all it's not accurate. This is all my imagination talking. Keep it in mind🤗👍🏽

Luka POV

Amari had been in intense labour for about four hours now. The healer from my friend's pack had turned up along with two other trained wolves so Eugene had a little team going on in order to help deliver the babies.

The room was packed and I could tell Amari was feeling uncomfortable. He was in pain, but that didn't stop him from climbing into my lap and hiding his burning face against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him, cradling him close, making sure he knew he was safe with me.

We were both looking a mess. Amari was naked, his thighs were stained with fluids that was also all over my shorts since his second waters broke while he was in my lap. My shirt was sweaty and wet with his tears but that didn't matter. I was only focused on Amari and our pups.

I didn't think it would hurt so much seeing my mate in pain. This was supposed to be a real beautiful moment, but with him screaming and crying, it felt anything but that.

There was this ache in my chest that wouldn't go away everytime he whimpered and shook in my lap and I felt guilty as fuck for putting him through this. I couldn't absorb his pain, nor could I do anything to take it away and that was hard to sit back and accept.

The best I could do was hold him and make sure he knew I was here supporting him. 

"He's strong, mate will be okay," Izaak hummed, he was agitated because of the stressful atmosphere, but I could also feel his underlying excitement.

Amari's body tightened and he let out a long moan against my neck as another contraction hit. They were frequent and very close together, offering him no breaks from the obvious agony he was feeling. It was so weird to see his stomach move with the cramps between us, almost alien-ish in a way.

I kissed his damp forehead, trying to comfort him the best I could while he clung to me. My mate only cried, his toffee coloured skin flushed red at his cheeks. I ran my hand through his curls, gushing him softly.

Aside from the four healers; Eugene, Tammy, Peter and Sarah - Joana and dad were also present. They were supposed to leave once the others from the neighbouring pack got here but Amari wanted them to stay. I think he was feeling a bit vulnerable around the strangers and needed some sort of reassurance from members belonging to our own pack.

Amari's mom was helping lay out the bassinets for the quintuplets, getting out everything that had previously been packed into our travel bags. I watched the tiny hats and diapers get piled out. This was real. This was really happening. Amari and I were about to become fathers of five.


Dad was sat beside us, holding onto two bottles of water, one for me, one for Amari. He was also wetting cool cloths to sooth Amari's hot skin the male was burning against me. Hot and sweaty.

"Luka..." Amari dug his fingernails into my shoulders as he called my name with a moan. I tightened my grip on him, stroking his skin.

"I'm right here baby, just breathe," I whispered. He shifted in my lap, his bum sliding over my thighs. He was uncomfortable.

"Do you want to change position bubbles? Do you think they're coming?" I asked worridly, looking up at Eugene for guidance. I didn't know what I was doing here.

The healer was setting out his bowl of equipment. I didn't know what half the shit he was pulling out was for but he seemed to know, whispering to the other three professionals. This seriously looked like a surgery scene from a movie. Why was I beginning to feel sick?

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