Chapter 53

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Amari POV

"L-Leaving?" I repeated her words, shocked and confused.

She was leaving? Why? With who? Where?

"It's a rehab centre," mom rushed to explain, her brown eyes desperate as she took in my reaction. "A programme for a few months. It's for... abuse survivors. I... well I'm just going to be perfectly honest and admit that I'm not doing well Amari."

She lowered her gaze, wringing her hands in her lap. "It seems like it, but I still am struggling a lot with what happened and my mental health is just not okay. I can't stay here and not try and get some help. I've hurt too many people. Nick," she shivered as she spoke his name. "I can't continue to put him through this - dealing with me, I mean."

I swallowed, nodding slowly. She wanted to get help. This was a good thing. I had no right to stop her from seeking some professional guidance since she's been through so much. In fact, I was happy she was taking this step.

More so, I was relieved. Guilt struck me a little as I watched her fiddle with her nails. I was ready to jump on the defensive, assuming she was leaving because she didn't care to be with us anymore.

"I won't stop you from going mom," I told her, patting her hands. She nodded a little.

"Nick helped me with the booking and things. I can show you if you like. I'm telling the truth. I have the receipts and-"

"It's okay. I believe you. Show me because you want to, not because you're proving your innocence," I shook my head at her insecure ramblings. "Is it a nice place?"

"Has rehab ever been a nice place?" She chuckled softly, looking at me and I saw tears well up in her eyes. It made my chest clench with sympathy for her.

"I'm sure it'll be okay. Just focus on healing right?"

"Yeah. I still... I still have to tell Yeri. I'm not sure how she's going to take it, we haven't been separated since she was born," mom let out a stressed breath of air.

"I'll support if you like. Is Nick going to take care of her? I would but-"

"The quints, I can't ask you to do that. Unfortunately I have to ask Nick," she shook her head slowly.

"Unfortunately? You've been looking after her together anyway. Why would he say no?"

"I don't want him to resent me. The more I ask of him, the more I feel like he'll one day turn around and tell me that he hates me for making his life hard, for dumping my problems on him and giving him all this stress. It'll come one day. I know he'll finally decide he's had enough of me. I just... I want to delay it," she reached up and quickly wiped her eyes.

I was shocked as I stared at her. Nick would never do anything like that. He just wasn't the type of man to turn on someone who was clearly struggling and in need of saving. He was a helper at heart and to be honest, I didn't think he really minded looking after mom and Yeri. He liked to feel wanted. I think maybe Luka had much to do with that.

Luka was independent and liked to do his own thing when he was young. Nick didn't have a clingy little boy to baby, that's were I came in when he adopted me. I was that fill in.

When his mate died, he didn't have someone to love and protect anymore. That's where mom filled in. But in a good way. It gave him that family feel he otherwise would've been missing in his life. He liked to be relied on. Hence the multiple babysitting offers he'd been throwing at Luka and I for the quints.

"Mom, he loves you guys. I don't think he hates you at all," I placed my hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"I dumped my kids on him, my emotions, my stupid baggage. I'm rude to him when I'm depressed, I'm a bad parent and he's constantly having to fix my mistakes. I just... he's been doing all the heavy lifting and I haven't been equal in my efforts to support him," she shrugged her shoulders, wiping her tears with her fingertips.

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