Hope Museum

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The museum was on Second Street and Faith was feeling excited about learning more of the history of Somewhere. She'd heard tidbits at the B & B and Mama Pink's Diner that piqued her curiosity, and she wanted to fit the pieces together, especially if this was where she chose to relocate. Hope Museum was two blocks off Main Street in a Victorian mansion that, except for paint color, was identical to the B & B with three stories, balconies on both sides of the second floor, and a veranda spanning the front of the house. A white wicker settee and four matching chairs blended beautifully with the pristine white veranda and balconies. The body of the house was painted pale blue with beige shutters, no doubt chosen to mimic sea and sand. Faith loved the affect and hastened up the porch steps. Next to the door in a white wicker basket were multiple brochures advertising local attractions, restaurants, and guided tours. An OPEN sign hung next to the door and below the sign was another one indicating the museum's hours and entrance fee of five dollars.

As soon as Faith stepped inside the home she recognized the same layout as the B & B. A woman dressed in a green period costume dating to the Victorian era stepped into the foyer and enthusiastically greeted her.

"Welcome to Hope Museum! My name is Vicky Patterson. Please take your time and enjoy your visit, and just so you know, this house is one of three built by the Hope family in 1910. Oliver Hope, the founder of our town, and his twin sons Sebastian and Randall, each had a home."

Faith immediately liked Vicky and commented on her attire.

Vicky smoothed a hand down her skirt. "This is one of my favorite dresses and I actually sewed it myself. I created a pattern after I saw the dress in a 1910 Sears and Roebuck catalog."

"Wow! I can't imagine sewing something so intricate. How long did it take?"

"It took about a month, but it was a labor of love because I love the Victorian era."

Faith confided, "I'm actually staying at Hope Bed & Breakfast and I find the history of Somewhere fascinating. I understand the three houses are identical."

Vicky looked delighted when she responded, "Yes. However, Marcus and Gabby Hope remodeled the second floor of Sebastian's home years ago to add two bedrooms and extra bathrooms to their B & B. They also remodeled the third floor for their living quarters." She made a waving motion. "This home belonged to Randall Hope and Oliver's home was built atop Hope Hill. Sadly, the house burned down decades ago and now there's a lookout where it used to be." She paused for breath and smiled.

"What can you tell me about Sebastian and Randall?"

"Now that's an interesting story. It's said that the brothers were very close until they had a falling out over the fate of Somewhere back in the 1920s. Randall wanted to build a hotel and turn the area into a tourist destination and Sebastian wanted it to remain pristine and natural. Eventually, their father was so angry at his sons' public feud that he took action. He divided the cove into three sections. The southern end he gave to Randall and the northern to Sebastian. The central portion he placed in a trust to be governed by the town's elected council members. Needless to say, Sebastian wasn't happy about that and feared that one day a greedy council would cave to the interests of outsiders. To some townspeople that happened when a portion of the land was rezoned and sold for housing along Ocean Boulevard during a financial crisis in the 1980s, but so far, big business hasn't made any inroads into Somewhere. Our town remains a peaceful haven for tourists and residents."

Faith said, "Ocean Boulevard must have brought in a substantial amount of money. The homes are very expensive."

Leaning close, Vicky said, "Let's just put it this way. The last house sold for over four million." She grinned. "The locals call it Millionaires' Row. However, you have to remember the original plots were sold over thirty years ago and home prices have skyrocketed since then. Are you looking to buy?"

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