Author's Note

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For a while it was touch and go with Baxter Hope and Faith Bennison, but the fact that they were able to overcome past sorrows and find happiness again, did my heart good. No doubt their relationship will face obstacles, as does every relationship, but their foundation of love will sustain them. I'm sure of it.

As for Gabby Hope's dilemma with Leo Constanzo, I'm not sure how that will turn out. She's a strong woman with a sense of right and wrong that may be somewhat off course. Will Leo continue his pursuit of the woman he loves, or come to believe his quest is a lost cause?

And now that Victoria Patterson is no longer plagued by guilt over her brother's death, I was hoping she and Michael Wainwright might discover romance. However, with his desire to build a resort in Somewhere, and Vicky discovering his plan to display her paintings at the resort, that may not be possible. She's livid and intends to do everything she can to block approval for the resort.

Thank goodness this is the first book in the Finding SOMEWHERE Series because it gives me plenty of time to resolve these issues, create more issues, and introduce new characters with each book.

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