Outdoor Market

949 97 1

A week later, on Saturday, the first day of the street fair, Faith dressed in comfortable beige slacks and a sleeveless blue blouse. She chose dangly sky blue earrings to match her blouse, but decided to forego the long matching necklace since she would be helping Vicky at the museum booth. She grabbed a sweet roll from a basket on the table and poured coffee into a to-go cup. She was going to meet her friend at the museum at eight.

In the kitchen she could hear the Piersons laughing and preparing breakfast. They were a wonderful family and Faith often felt guilty for not warming up to Jennie's overtures of friendship, but the thought of spending time with her and hearing about her husband and boys, was too much for Faith at this time. She knew she was being selfish, but she just wasn't ready.

Gabby bustled into the room carrying a vase of yellow roses and set it in the center of the table. In her rapid fire manner of speaking, she said, "Good morning, Faith. My flower garden is terrific this year. I guess you're off to help Vicky."

Faith smiled. "Yes, and I'm looking forward to it."

"Good. It'll get you used to being a part of the community."

Faith didn't respond. Although she had toured a few more homes with Doris, she was still vacillating about a permanent move to Somewhere. Oh, she loved the town and the ocean and the townsfolk, but Baxter's distrust of her motives bothered her. She knew she should dismiss his avoidance and cool demeanor, but it hurt. Was she ready to settle down in a place where she already had a strike against her from one of the natives? Was she waiting for a sign? She said, "These sweet rolls are delicious. Did the Piersons bake them?"

"Oh no, dear. I learned that recipe from Mrs. Lucky. She and her husband owned Mr. Lucky's Grocery."

Her words triggered something in Faith's memory that Owen had said. A chill raced up her spine. "Owned? Is the store no longer there?"

"Goodness, Mr. and Mrs. Lucky died years ago and the property has been sold a couple of times since then. Right now it's a print shop."

Faith felt faint.

Gabby stepped closer. "What's wrong, Faith? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

Faith pulled out a chair and slowly lowered herself into it. With a concerned expression, Gabby pulled out the chair next to her and sat down. "Tell me what's wrong?"

Inhaling a couple of times, Faith whispered, "The boy at the beach, Owen, told me that you baked cookies and sold them at Mr. Lucky's Grocery. He said he worked there after school helping Mr. Lucky stock shelves. He said he loved your cookies."

Gabby gasped and placed her hands over her mouth. "Oh, my God, that's true."

Faith met her gaze and rasped, "What's going on?"

An hour later Faith was helping Vicky set up shop under a canopy that had already been erected by Mr. Constanzo. As she set out flyers and brochures, she couldn't stop thinking about the revelation Gabby had dumped on her. Was someone playing a sick joke on them? Since she refused to believe she'd had a conversation with a boy who had been dead for more than twenty years, what other explanation was there? She wanted to ask Vicky about her twin brother, but considering how upset she'd been when Faith unwittingly mentioned his name before, that wasn't an option.

Forcing herself to quell her ponderings and questions, she focused on helping at the booth. Soon, the entire downtown was filled with tourists and locals. The atmosphere became festive and joyful and Faith found herself exuberantly handing out brochures and inviting people to the museum. Around mid morning Mr. Constanzo visited the booth and thanked them for their hard work. "I've seen lots of people carrying the new brochures. Good job, ladies."

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