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Book 2 in The Beast Series

© 2019

All Rights Reserved

Copyright:'The Boy Who Cried Beast' Including all chapters, prologues, epilogues, and associated content is COPYRIGHTED. All rights reserved by the owner and creator of this work, Shania L (1fandombookgirl) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulating, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of copyright is punishable by law.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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This book is only available on Wattpad as of right now, so if you see it on any other platform feel free to report that person as well as notify me

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As Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, Everette Blackwood is required to find her mate. She's not too sold on the idea of needing a man at her side.

When she stumbles across him in the middle of the night, chained to a tree, she just might do anything to keep him safe.

But when he aims a gun full of silver bullets at her head, she wants nothing more than to tie his ass back to the tree.

This mysterious mate of hers, however, isn't what he seems with secrets buried in her parents' past that may threaten her position as Alpha.

If that wasn't enough, the rogues are acting out. They're multiplying daily, attacking the pack constantly and preparing to overthrow the female Alpha.

A war is brewing.

One that is bigger than anything her pack has ever dealt with before.

One that might end the Blood Moon pack forever.

But would she survive her mate before the war?

Warning: This story will make you laugh your heart out, ugly cry, demand an adorable idiot in a frilly pink apron and crave ice-cream.

Warning: This story will make you laugh your heart out, ugly cry, demand an adorable idiot in a frilly pink apron and crave ice-cream

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"Shh, did you hear that?" I stupidly asked. Of course, he didn't hear that because he wasn't part wolf.

"What do you hear something in my body that indicates we're mates as well?" He asked and I wanted to laugh but we, unfortunately, may be in danger.

"No, you idiot," I whispered low and tried to catch a scent but my mate's scent was too powerful for me to smell anything beyond it.

"Why don't you-"

"I preferred you when I found you in the forest. Quiet and complacent." I mumbled.

Actually, I didn't and was glad that he was feisty. Heck, even the elbow he landed in my nose was a good tactic. He could fight and wasn't afraid of me like I initially thought. The last thing I wanted was some quiet mouse as my mate.

I was already an Alpha and everyone listened. I needed someone to challenge me and defy me.

"I was going to say," He went on but in a much lower tone, "you should untie my hands and I'll help."

"You don't have your gun on you, remember," I stated.

"And whose fault is that?"

I heard the sound getting closer and slapped my palm over my mate's mouth.

I heard the sound getting closer and slapped my palm over my mate's mouth

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Guess who's back!

Hey wolfies! I missed you all so much! Even though I've been keeping in contact via comments and Instagram!

The last time I wrote an author's note, I was wrapping up The Ritual to the beast! And now look at us with over a million reads! Yall are incredible and I love you all so much! Especially if you came here after reading book 1 :)

Let's get on with important information:

Updates will go as follows: For the first update (now), I'll be posting Chapters 1 and 2. After that, I will be updating one chapter for the next 5 days. So we'll have Chapter 7 by then. After than I will be updating 2 to 3 times a week. Mostly on Wednesdays and Saturdays (if you guys prefer a different day, lemme know). There'll be around 35 - 40 chapters in total.

I am however starting uni this September so if I flunk out 1 day, know that the chapter WILL be up with the next 24 hours. Unless I'm dying or something happens, then I'll let yall know.

Most importantly I would not stand bullying in my comments to either other readers or myself so please be positive my little wolves. Also, this story isn't anywhere edited! It's the first draft so always room for improvement especially grammatically.

I also have an Instagram: @1fandombookgirl 

You can follow me there but you don't have to, but if you choose to then you will most likely see when I post that chapters are up, or pictures that inspire me for this story and random things like that.

Again, you do NOT have to follow.

Song: The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Demons Of Ruby Mae

Read on Wolfies, 🐺

-Shania. 🐾


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