Chapter 39: Katniss Everdeen

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Chapter 39

The last few days were intense. Between training and rearranging our strategy, I could see it was starting to take a toll on everyone.

So for the sake of everyone's health, we're taking it easy today.

Since Doris's disappearance there hasn't been a single rogue attack nor have we seen them lurking around which puts me on edge. 

Border patrol has been keeping everything tight ever since we pulled them back into the pack and made the perimeter smaller. It meant leaving the actual border of our land empty and shrinking the area, but everyone was safe. Empty land without use was secondary to keeping my pack alive. 

We should have done it a long time ago.

The hunters have been securing their areas where they'll be when everything goes down. My grandma Anne grew some more trees to help them have a higher vantage point in some areas. 

Some of them also said they'd be on the ground, which worried me because they'd have to be fast with shooting and moving. 

The ones who couldn't fight, the children and the elderly who just didn't have it in them, were to be secured within the Crypt. 

Before we were going to keep them housed in my grandparents' house since it was located to the South of our pack and the rogues may attack from the north, but Doris knew that so we decided keeping them behind silver doors would be safer.

Doris's house was mostly normal except for her collection of old books that I'd never seen before. Not that I was much of a reader but from the contents of the old werewolf world, it would have been in my studies as Alpha. 

That and Finn would have shown me them and geeked out.

From what my grandpa told me when we found the books, they've been missing before he was born. However, Doris's great grandfather was a scholar with werewolf knowledge. He must have kept them in their house and Doris held on to them.

I wish these bits of information came to light before but I guess recalling an old person's ancestry wasn't on our mind.

That didn't matter now, we figured out it was here.

Abel and Holly though... I wish I didn't lose our mind link because I had no way of figuring out if they made it back to the human town. 

Doris had her rogues around. Holly's pregnant. 

After the war I making it my mission to go find them and make sure they're alive. 

But for right now I had to battle my little sister. 

"I want to help Everette," Taelyn insisted. 

I tried to ignore her as Callum and I trained but she was persistent. 

I'd already told her no and explained that because she hadn't shifted yet, it would be safer for her to stay in the Crypt with Thor but she didn't want to hear it.

"Come on, please? I can fight. I can help!" She yelled at me.

Callum keeps shifting his eyes towards her to make me talk to her but I just threw a right hook at him and he dodged me. 

We were working on his reflexes because even though Mr. Matchstick here was confident about his abilities, I was making sure he knew how to at least dodge a rogue from using him as a chew toy.

"Tae, mom, and dad said you have to stay safe. You know I can't let you fight when the rogues show up it will be-"

"Dangerous, yeah I got that the hundreds of times you've said it," She huffed.

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