Chapter 16: Rip My Heart Out

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Chapter 16

~ 1 week later ~

"Thor, I swear to the Moon Goddess, if you don't give me that, I'm going to Alpha command the entire pack to call you Loki!" I yelled at my little brother as we ran around the kitchen counter of the packhouse like cat and mouse.

Why you may ask?

Well, decided it was a good idea to pull out the good old photo albums.


And what did my little brat of a brother find?

That's right, not just one, but several embarrassing images of me.

If we had a daily newspaper around this part of the woods, tomorrow headlines would read, 'Local boy age 14 murdered by his sister over pictures'.

It actually had some appeal to it honestly. 

After Callum met Thor at the gathering last week, it's been a constant list of embarrassment, courtesy my younger brother. 

"All bark sister, but we both know you're not going to do that." He chastised. 

Teenagers. I loathed them. But I guess at nineteen I am still a teen...

I lifted my eyebrow and nodded, "You may be right, but I will lock you in the Crypt again. That you can be sure of."

He gave me a wary look as he stopped on one side of the counter. Thor seemed as if he mulling over what I was saying before sighing in defeat, "Fine. You take the fun out of everything."

Begrudgingly he threw my photos on the kitchen counter and I immediately gathered each one in my hands and counted to them to be sure he didn't have any hidden.

And right on time too as I heard the front door of the packhouse open and I smelt my fresh sage and juniper berry scented mate. He like my own personal scented candle whenever he was around. 

Since the day after the meeting, I kept insisting on taking him to get new clothing but between trying to get him acquainted with training, rogue attacks, my grandma Anne waiting for a baby announcement and Cal fighting me against taking him shopping, he had ended up borrowing clothes from Max.

That was until Max started charging me a fee since his closet was running low and I opted to send Callum with Max since they seemed to be getting along.

But mostly since Callum refused I go with him since I thought I was going to get him dresses and bows. 

Quickly shoving the images into my back pocket, Thor came to my side as a mysterious smirk took over his mischievous face. 

I swear this kid was more Loki than Thor. 

"Why are you smiling dork." I elbowed his arm since he was a couple of inches shorter than me despite being thirteen. The boy grew fast.

"Nothing." He shrugged nonchalantly. 

'I swear if you pull any shi-'

"Quiet, else I'll tell Callum over here just how much you like to threaten your baby brother." He grinned as Cal and Max stood in the archway of the kitchen.

'Then you better shut your trap before I shove a pacifier-'

"Tsk. Bad Alpha." He flicked my ear and this kid was so going to be locked in the Crypt.

Callum gave me a questioning glance as Max cleared his throat. 

"Should I inform Luna Emery that you two are at it again?" Max asked with a smirk. 

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