Chapter 22: No Cuddling

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Chapter 22

It took us two and a half days to get Callum and June out of that hell hole.

Unsurprisingly they were north of the pack, nestled in a large concrete building in a valley. The journey to get there was one I would never forget. Rogues were everywhere and that slowed us down because we either had to go around them or kill them fast and without a sound.

The cold winds heading that way and the rocky terrain also had me in doubt but once we spot the building, we knew they were there.

But Penelope couldn't feel June at all and I couldn't even sense Callum so you could probably guess that the rest of the pack members had to knock some sense into the both of us before we kicked down the door and landed in a trap.

So Charlotte got back up here since no other group found anything. It took a day for fifteen wolves to reach us.

And that twenty-four hours was worst than the thirty-six it took to find this place. By the time they arrived, we had already deduced that there were a lot of them in there and we had to hand way back so they couldn't catch our scent.

Right before we attacked, the rogues escorted children out of the building. I wanted to send some of my wolves after them but there were ten rogues and I didn't have enough pack members to spare and it was suicidal to send one wolf alone.

So I didn't have them followed which was selfish of me to get my mate and not find out more on our enemy.

By the time I lead the charge to the building, the rogues smelt us and started filing out of the main doors one by one.

Snarling at them, I jumped straight at one and ripped into his throat before moving on to another one and sustaining a bite to my leg. I heard two pack members whimpering behind me and from the bite marks, I knew some had silver berry on their canines.

Quickly taking care of those on the outside, I commanded the wounded two to head back to the forest because they couldn't fight with silver berry wounds.

As I entered the building, I noticed it was a rectangular space that was bare of any furniture with only a large silver door leading to the unknown. And it was sealed tight with only a key card scanner mounted on the wall.

'Charlotte, pass around the t-shirts and everyone, place it on your backs.' I ordered as I grabbed a t-shirt and draped it over my back so that we could knock the thick steel doors down.

The twenty-two of us took turns in knocking the door and each turn created a large and larger dent. As I thought of Callum, the rage inside of me turned me into a maniac as I hurled my body against the door and heard a creak.

With one last knock, sending pain to my side, the door fell with a loud thud.

'I could smell her.' Penelope growled as she took off. I still couldn't smell Callum and I felt my stomach sink.

The hallway went on with doors on each side of us but no one walked out and Pen kept running, past them all as the other pack members checked each room. All empty.

Deep into the building, we came across a crossroads in the hallway as it branched off into four hallways.

At the end of each were silver doors with rogues spilling out of each one except for the one to our right.

I wanted to say I couldn't process how there were that many of them but from all the attacks we've had, I'm not surprised by them anymore. But I have a feeling I may be in for a rude awakening when I find out just how much there are.

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