Chapter 14: If I Was A Man

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Chapter 14

The foyer of the packhouse was incredibly silent as I walked through with Callum right behind me. Around twenty pack members stood there as their eyes focused on Callum and then to our entwined hands.

I could see the anger and frustration on the faces of the older wolves and the curiosity mixed with incomprehension on the faces of the younger ones.

But they all pointedly ignored him as they greeted me.

"Alpha." Their chorus came out.

I cleared my throat and straightened my shoulders before addressing them, "As you're probably aware, this is my mate, Callum Cain. And yes, he is the son of Jake Cain."

"His name should be traitor." An old guy who was in his late forties grumbled.

My eyes narrowed on him, "He's your Máni and you'd be sure to remember that Bert."

"If you think we're just going to accept him here with open arms, then you're wrong Alpha." He spat.

"I don't expect that of you," I looked around the room, "of any of you. And neither does Callum. But he's here now and as long as he chooses to be my mate and your Máni, then he isn't going anywhere. Getting acquainted with each other will take time, but we'll get there."

Callum squeezed my hand in appreciation.

"And should we just forget about the past?" An older female pack member, Doris, asked.

"That's not what I asked. The memory of the war will forever live on in us but Callum had no part in it." I clarified as the woman glared at my hand that was clasped in Callum's.

"You weren't around at the time of the war either Alpha, so you don't understand what the pack went through. I just find it strange that you set out to be this great Alpha and once a mate walked in, you're suddenly forgetting about the pack by letting this hunter walk into our land. We already have enemies at our borders, we don't need enemies in our home."

"And you seemed to have forgotten that I'm the Alpha." My voice boomed through the house. "Just because I wasn't there, doesn't mean that I don't know the effects of that day. As for Callum being here, I haven't forgotten the pack. I worked hard to get my position Doris, so don't think for one second that his presence will 'distract me'."

"Seems like it already did dear," Doris said slyly.

I was about to snap at the old woman who always had an issue with me as Alpha, but Callum decided to step up.

"I've only known Everette for a day," Callum started and everyone looked at him in surprise to see him speak, "and I already know that she'll never put anything before you all. She's told me that herself." He winked down at me, "So trust me when I say this ma'am, if you want me gone, then I'm sure Everette will tie me to tree in the middle of the forest. But maybe you all should think about having the entire pack asking you to leave your mate because of something your parents did."

"My mate died because of your parents," Bert argued.

"So did my own and my only child," Doris added.

"Then you will know how it feels to not be with your mate and I'd like to think you wouldn't want that for anyone else." Callum pointed out. "As for your child Doris, I'm sorry for your loss."

I guessed he was going to charm his way out of this one but the human had a brain. I kinda like him now.

Who am I kidding? I've liked him the moment he didn't shoot me.

Bert, however, didn't respond as he huffed and walked out through the back door.

Doris, on the other hand, gave us a grave look, "You better prepare yourself for more of that because the pack is not going to like this boy."

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