Chapter 23: Jesus, Take The Wheel

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Chapter 23

"June said you couldn't bring back your fire. You're not as warm as you used to be." I whispered against his lips before pulling away.

He sighed as his grip on me tightened, "After those uglies beat me up I couldn't find it in me. It felt like the fire finally burned out and I can't rekindle it." 

My eyebrows knitted in confusion, "Wait... you don't have your fire? How's that possible-"

"Ev," He pulled my eyes back to him, "relax babe." 

My eyes were still staring at him in shock as I said, "Explain."

"I can't... It just sort of disappeared and I can't seem to find it in me." He shrugged. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I placed my head on his chest, "I should have been there to protect you."

"No Everette, you shouldn't have and I'm glad you weren't because there wouldn't have been a way to leave and I... I don't know what I would have done if they said the things they did to June to you." His nose buried into my hair and I relished in the feel of being in his arms. "Promise me that if I ever disappear, just me, that you wouldn't come after me."

I immediately pulled my head back and glared at him, "No."


"Would you promise me the same thing if I asked?" 

His eyes hardened at the question, "You know I wouldn't."

"Then you know why I can't promise you that," I said and his eyes softened as he nodded. 

"You're right. And although I didn't want you anywhere near that place, I'm glad you showed up. June... she was-"

"Nothing happened to her." I assured him, "She's safe and so is Olly."

"Where is he?" Callum asked quickly as he just remembered the kid.

"He stayed by your side for almost the entire day before June got him to eat some dinner and now he's sleeping in the room next to hers," I explained.

Sighing he scrubbed a palm down his face, "The kid is going to need us to protect him. Whatever they did to those kids was messed up. I can't even tell you how much I hated being in that place and what they were doing...saying."

"Well, one, you're not ever going anywhere near there and two, he has us now. Whenever he's ready, I'll make him a pack member and I'm sure June will take care of him." I finalized.

"You mean that Princess?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

"He's only a kid. The rogue life is nothing a child should endure. Plus he seems like he looks up to you." I smiled as I thought of Callum with a kid. 

My ovaries also did some flips at the thought of Callum with our kid... well a kid far into the future.

Or not that far away seeing as the next Alpha had to be here for the next ritual. I don't think I'm ready for that type of adulting though.

"Has he said anything about what happened to him or why?" Cal asked.

"No, he hasn't spoken. He only nods or shakes his head. Whatever they did really shook him up." I growled as anger boiled within me. 

"I'll try to talk to him but we need to figure out what these rouges are really after. It seems odd that they kept us alive, even though they almost killed me. But what was really off was the fact that they had a water system if they knew beforehand that I had the fire element." He mused.

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