Chapter Three: The Unquiet Dead

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Roses Are Red

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, obviously, nor do I own Thorne or the ideas surrounding her.

Note: I have finally decided to return to this story after Lydia Faith's (aka DevilsPuppetMaster's) death in February. I will be sticking to the original plot of the entire series and not deviating from anything so all of these plans are from DevilsPuppetMaster.

Actress: Sabrina Carpenter

Dedication: This story is entirely dedicated to The Devils Puppet Master aka Lydia Faith who died of Brain Cancer on the 1st of February 2019 after a 7-year battle. I have been asked to write this story by her loving parents who wanted her last wish to be fulfilled even if she was no longer around to see it. Lydia was only 19-years-old when she died, and she deserved so much longer. REST IN PEACE.


{The Doctor takes Rose and Thorne back through time to 1869, but in Victorian Cardiff, the dead are walking and creatures made of gas are on the loose. The time-travellers team up with Charles Dickens to investigate Mr Sneed, the local undertaker.}


Chapter Three: The Unquiet Dead

Thorne watched, highly amused, as the Doctor tried to teach Rose how to fly the Tardis. It had started out as a harmless dare that had escalated into actually trying to fly the complex ship to a destination of Rose's choice. She was struggling though, greatly, and Thorne was suddenly very glad she had declined the Doctor's offer to teach her. She was sitting in one of the seats with another of the Charles Dickens books in her hands – A Christmas Carol this time – she had slowly gotten through almost all of the Charles Dickens books the Tardis had given her when she had discovered the library and she couldn't wait to visit him.

The Tardis seemed to be very fond of Thorne, in the Doctor's opinion. The magnificent ship never usually allowed anyone into the library, nor did she help them pick out books, because of the Gallefrayan History Book he kept inside. He wasn't afraid of Thorne seeing it, the Tardis had moved the book from its usual resting place, he just didn't understand why the Tardis would take a risk as big as that by allowing Thorne into the library. It wasn't like Thorne wouldn't eventually find the book and be curious, she was a very curious girl after all.

"Hold that one down!" ordered the Doctor, pointing towards a switch. Rose was already holding one down on the other side of the console which the Doctor didn't seem to notice.

"I'm holding this one down," objected Rose.

"Well, hold them both down," said the Doctor as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"It's not going to work," said Thorne, imitating Hermione Granger from the Goblet of Fire.

Rose tried her best to stretch across half the console but, as Thorne had said, it didn't work. Thorne snickered and stood up, pulling down the switch and holding it as Rose sent her a thankful look.

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