Chapter 9

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"Now, on to the second event!", Midnight declared. "Next up is... This!" She pointed at the screen behind her, which said 'cavalry battle'.

Midnight explained the rules for the event. We would have to make teams of two to four people and snatch other teams' headbands. The team's amount of points would depend on how well its members performed in the previous round.

"The higher-ranked students are the ones to aim for!", Midnight said when she was done explaining. "This survival game is a chance for a comeback! It's anyone's game!"

We had fifteen minutes to build our teams, and Bakugo was immediately swarmed by classmates asking him to pick them. I chuckled and turned away from the commotion, hurrying up to Shinso.

"Toshi~!", I beamed when I reached him. "We're teaming up, right, right?"

"Yes, if you want to", he answered. "I'm not worth that many points, you know?"

"I don't care", I answered. "We'll be fine as long as we get some other people to join. If you brainwash everyone, teamwork shouldn't be a problem either. Midnight said we could use our quirks."

"Yeah, that's fine with me", Shinso answered. "Congratulations on fourth place, by the way."

"Thank you!", I smiled. "I have someone from my class in mind to join our team."

"As long as it's not Bakugo", Shinso said.

"Like he'd join me if I asked", I chuckled as I began to walk away. "He said so himself that he thinks I'm too weak. I'll just have to prove him otherwise."

Shinso nodded and walked in the other direction to find our fourth teammate. I spotted the classmate I was looking for and walked up to him.

"Ojiro-kun", I greeted when I reached him. "Do you have a team yet?"

"No, not yet", he answered casually. "And you?"

"I'm going to team up with my friend from general studies. Want to join? He's pretty strong."

"Yeah, sure", Ojiro agreed.

"Great!", I beamed.

I turned around and walked back to where I'd last met Shinso. Ojiro followed suit and not a minute later Shinso returned with a short chubby boy. He said his name was Shoda and that he was from class B.

"Your fifteen minutes are up!", Midnight announced after a while. "Time to get started!"

"Hey, Eraser, wake up!", Present Mic's voice sounded through the speakers. "They've had time to form their teams and strategize. And now all twelve teams are lined up and ready to move!"

"Interesting... the teams they've come up with", Aizawa mumbled.

We were told to get in formation and get ready to start, so that's what we did.

"Here we go! Countdown to this brutal battle royal!", Present Mic shouted.

I looked up at Shinso, who nodded at me. My teammates were already brainwashed, their eyes glossed over with a vague white layer.

"You really wanna do this?", Shinso double-checked.

I nodded. I knew that he preferred not to use his quirk on me and he'd said that I didn't need to be brainwashed for the cavalry battle, but I insisted that he did. That way our team would work in perfect sync. Plus, I trusted Shinso more than anyone.

"Let's show them what we've got", I grinned.

As soon as I finished speaking everything went black, and I had just enough time to realize that the brainwashing had taken effect.

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