Chapter 11

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"Don't go soft on me now, demon girl!", Bakugo grinned when our eyes met.

"I told you already, I have a name!", I huffed.

"Like I care", Bakugo retorted.

I shook my head and took a few deep breaths. I was still tired, so I'd have to either take him out quickly or accept my defeat. I was open to both possibilities and decided to just wing it and freestyle.

"Start!", Present Mic's voice boomed over the speakers.

Bakugo immediately launched himself forward and fired an explosion at me. I relied on my enhanced physical abilities to roll away and dodge the attack. Two mana blades about the size of large daggers appeared in my hands and I furrowed my brows in concentration.

Explosions were hard to dodge if I wanted to get close, but I couldn't really do much with my quirk at long range. I grimaced when an idea formed in my head. 

If this works, I can take out one of his hands.

I changed the blade in my left hand from a mana one into a real one. It was in my advantage that there wasn't a single difference in the two regarding their appearance. The only thing determining what they'd become was my intent while creating them, and nobody but me was able to tell the difference without touching. I was the only person who could physically touch the mana blades since it was my mana that created them. It'd pass right through others, but hurt like a real blade.

"(l/n) has pulled out her knives!", Present Mic commented. "But will they be of use against Bakugo's explosions?"

They're not knives.

I gritted my teeth, hoping this strategy would work the way I wanted it to. It all depended on Bakugo's reaction and wits.

"Do something, little devil", Bakugo tauntingly said. "Or are you going to keep standing there?" He grinned, which in turn ticked me off.

I threw the blade in my left hand and hurled it at the blond's head like I was throwing a small knife. He raised his hand in a reflex and deflected the knife with an explosion. I raised my right arm and prepared to throw the second blade.

"Huh? Using the same trick twice even though it doesn't work?", Bakugo questioned. "I thought you were smarter than that."

My expression didn't change when I threw the blade at Bakugo's face. He confidently grinned and raised his right hand, firing another explosion to deflect.

Only, he couldn't deflect.

The mana blade whizzed through his explosion unbothered and pierced through his hand. Bakugo hissed and clutched his wrist.

"What the fuck?", the blond muttered. Then he glared at me. "That fucking hurts!"

"That's the point", I retorted as I surged forward, new blades appearing in my hands. I tried attacking and made sure to stay on Bakugo's right side, where he couldn't use his hand to fire any explosions because of the pain. To him, his hand felt like most of the tendons were severed right now.

"Amazing!", Present Mic shouted. "(l/n) managed to hit Bakugo's right hand with one of her blades using deception! What a sly but incredibly smart girl!"

Bakugo grunted and dodged instead of blocked my attacks now, simultaneously firing explosions with his left hand to try and drive me away. One of the blades in my hand was real whereas the other was a mana blade, but he couldn't see the difference, and he wasn't about to get 'cut' again.

I attacked with both blades, trying to land a hit with the mana one. I couldn't risk hitting him with the real one, because it was so sharp I could easily cut off his limbs or head if I wasn't careful. 

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