Chapter 12

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A lot of the things I mention about character's family and/or hobbies are things I made up and not canon.
On the other hand, all music mentioned is songs/artists I listen to.


The day after the Sports Festival went by smoothly at school and Aizawa told us that we'd have the next few days off. He also mentioned that 'scouting reports and such' from pros would be waiting for us after the break.

I got up from my seat when class was over and was about to leave when Kaminari's voice stopped me.

"(l/n), wait up!"

I halted and turned to the source of the voice. Kaminari was still standing by his desk with Kirishima and waved for me to join them, which I did.

"Please call me by my first name", I mumbled.

"Got it", Kaminari smiled. "(y/n) it is." He turned his body so he could see both Kirishima and me before he continued. "So, since we have the next two days off, if you're not busy, I was wondering if you'd want to hang out. I invited Sero and Mina as well." He seemed surprisingly expectant like he was hoping for us to say yes.

I, on the other hand, was surprised that I was being invited at all. Out of everyone in the class, Kaminari was the person I'd spoken to the most, but I still didn't think it was enough to casually be invited out like this. That didn't mean I wasn't happy about it, though. I felt very happy.

"Yes, of course", I accepted the invitation.

"I'm in too!", Kirishima smiled. "Can I invite Bakugo?"

"Yes!", Kaminari grinned, seeming happy that we both accepted. "I wanted to invite him but he glared as soon as I went in his direction so I decided not to." He scratched the back of his head and chuckled. "The more the merrier though! I thought we could all get to know each other a little better, maybe grab something to eat!"

"Yes, it sounds fun", I smiled in all honesty. "I look forward to it. Which day will we be going? Tomorrow or the day after?"

"I haven't checked with everyone if they have plans yet", Kaminari answered. "If you give me your numbers I'll add you to a group chat so we can discuss it."

I nodded and pulled my phone out of my bag. "Put your number in my phone and I'll put mine in yours."

Kaminari nodded and took my phone. Then he handed me his.

After exchanging numbers with both him and Kirishima, I said goodbye and headed home. Shinso was waiting for me by the gate, as usual.

"Hey, Toshi!", I greeted him and he fell into step beside me as we walked to the station.

"You seem happy", he noticed.

"I think... I'm making friends", I mumbled, a smile appearing on my face again when I thought about it. "I exchanged numbers with Kaminari and Kirishima, and I'll be added to a group chat so we can hang out with some other classmates tomorrow or the day after."

"See? I told you you could be social", Shinso smirked.

"They came up to me, though", I mumbled. "I don't know how to approach people and not be incredibly awkward."

"Do you have to if they approach you first anyway?", Shinso shrugged.

"I... guess not", I replied. Then I chuckled. "I'm glad they approached me. I'm looking forward to hanging out with them."

"You should", Shinso replied with a small smirk. "You need some friends besides me." He put his hand on top of my head and rubbed me in between my horns as if he was petting a cat. I laughed and swatted his hand away.

"I hate that I can't deny that", I said. "But the same goes for you." I looked at Shinso and he sighed, averting his gaze. "You got any new friends yet?"

"Uhh...", he vaguely began. "Kinda, I guess... They're... tolerable."

"Oh, that's more positive than I've heard you in ages", I said in a surprised tone. "That's good, then. You should make more friends, as long as they don't try to replace me as your best friend."

"Like that would ever happen", Shinso scoffed.

I chuckled and glanced around the train station where we had just arrived. "Are you staying over tonight?", I then asked.

"Can't", Shinso grumbled. "My dad's being a pain in the ass. I can't even stay over for dinner today."

"Hm, that's too bad", I pouted and I followed him onto the train, which was crowded as usual at this hour. "I'll text you when I know more about the plans with my classmates. We should hang out when we can. You also got the next two days off, right?"

Shinso nodded.

"Sweet! We can watch a movie at your place, your TV's bigger."


I grinned and waited for the train to stop at our stop, where we both got off and began to walk home further. Eventually, we split up and both went to our own houses.

"Mama, I'm home!", I shouted when I walked through the front door.

"(y/n)!", my mother greeted me as she appeared in the doorway to the front door. "Hitoshi isn't with you today?"

"No, his dad wanted him home right after school today", I explained.

"That's too bad", my mother mumbled. "I was planning on making his favourite food..." She smiled before a smile appeared on her face again. "I'll wait till the next time he's here to make it", she decided. "The ingredients will be good for another week or so, so that should be fine."

I smiled as I took off my shoes. "I'm sure he'd like that, Mama."

"Right?", she smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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