Chapter 10

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"He also got you with that shoulder toss, right Bakugo?", Kaminari asked with a grin, glancing at Shinso who was just defeated by Midoriya in the tournament.

"Shut up, Dunce Face", Bakugo grumbled. "Hey, where are you-"

"Gotta go!", I cut him off as I hurriedly left the stands.

I heard Present Mic ending the match as I hurried down to the tunnel. I reached it and saw my best friend at the end, still standing on the field and looking at something higher above the tunnel.

"You were awesome out there, Shinso!", I heard a girl shout when I neared him. More words of encouragement followed and I smiled.

I waited for Shinso to come to me as I stood in the tunnel. When he saw me he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground. I smiled and jumped at him, throwing my arms around his neck and my tail affectionately curling around him as well. "You were great, Toshi", I praised.

"I lost, though", he pointed out as he wrapped his arms around me as well.

"I don't care", I answered. "You did great."

"Thank you", Shinso mumbled.

I let him go and took a few steps back. "I have to swing by the prep room to change into my gym uniform", I said. "Walk me there?"

"Sure", Shinso nodded. "But I'm not going inside. Your classmates hate me."

"And whose fault is that?", I retorted.

"So brutally honest", Shinso sighed, feigning hurt.

"Yeah, you're rubbing off on me", I chuckled. "But I understand if you don't want to come inside. Do you want to watch the rest of the matches together?"

"Actually, I think you should probably get back to your class", Shinso said. "I can already see that blond kid begging for your attention."

"His name is Kaminari, and he doesn't beg for anyone's attention", I pointed out. "He's just being nice."

"Whatever", Shinso said. "You also seemed to be having fun cheerleading. You should get back to your class."

"But what about you?", I asked.

"I'll be fine", he answered nonchalantly. "I'm starting to hate my classmates a little less."

"Good", I said, happy to hear it. "But come see me before my match starts, yeah?"

"Of course", Shinso answered. "I might not be a cheerleader, but I'll wish you good luck."

"Would you shut up about the cheerleading thing?", I laughed.

Shinso smirked and walked with me until we reached the prep room. We parted there and I went inside to change into my gym uniform.

When I was done I rushed back to the stands, because I didn't want to miss the next match. Bakugo and Kaminari were still sitting in the same spot and I joined them again.

"Where'd you run off to?", Bakugo asked as he irked a brow. "You weren't busy changing the entire time, were you?"

"No, I had to talk to my friend", I replied. "He hates losing."

"You're friends with that arrogant purple broomstick?", Bakugo questioned.

"I beg your pardon?", I replied. "That's my best friend you're talking about."

"Oh, I'm sorry, indigo broomstick", Bakugo sarcastically said.

"Please stop talking!", I ushered.

Bakugo huffed and looked at the arena, where two of our classmates appeared. Sero and Todoroki both took their place on their sides of the stage.

"The wait is over, moving on...!", Present Mic announced. "There they are! The cream of the crop, yet this guy's somehow still as plain as they come! Hanta Sero of the hero course!!"

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