Chapter 10

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The door swung open again, Henley was frowning at me.

"Last chance."

I bit my lip, struggling. I'd never done any of this. My partners were purely for the pursuit of pleasure, never emotional yet with Henley, I couldn't turn away. He was something that was unrelenting and I didn't mind that at all.

His hand rolled, urging me to say it. He seemed to think it was easy but for someone that's never had to expose themselves in such a way, it wasn't. Still, I didn't want to lose him.

"I want more."

"So do I. I want you to say more. Come on Claudia."

"I want you."


Henley smiled that boyish and charming smile that was a pure killer for me.

"I want you to become a vampire for me."

"You don't want to give it up to become a human?"

"Not an option."

"I know, sadly."

Pulling me into the room, Henley flicked the door shut with his foot and began to undo the buttons of my shirt.

"But if you could, would you?"

Leaning against the tiled wall, I shook my head as I looked up at him.




"Because our lives together would be short. I want forever."

A soft laugh escaped as Henley looked down at me. That look of love and lust, a hooded gaze that was filled with desire.

My fingers dragged over the warm skin. Henley continued to make his way through my clothes, leaving me naked and ready for another round with him against the wall. This time there would be no running away, no rushed gratification.

At least, that's the way that I thought it would be. It seemed that Henley was in the shower to clean himself, not for misbehavior. Did he not understand what showering with another person was all about? Every time I tried to lead us to that path, he smirked and pulled my hands away. There was no hiding the fact that he wanted something, it was glaringly obvious. It was like the bastard was teasing me.

When the water was turned off, I was stunned.

"Are you mad?"

"No, just wanting to avoid an accident."

Hunting For Love  ~ Book 6 ~ The Royal Blood CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now