Chapter 21

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The media release went out with a confirmation from the Alaric's office that there was, in fact, a human king who was very much alive. We were waiting to see what kind of reaction would be sent our way, the waves were only just starting to ripple.

Jameson confessed to murdering the grandparents, under orders from one of Alaric's former adversary Hendrick. He was the man that had betrayed Alaric's parents, murdering his father and wounding their mother enough that she did not survive for much after she gave birth to Alaric and Nisha. Alaric was not surprised that Hendrick was behind this.

The reasons were obvious. Hendrick didn't want anyone taking an opposing and equal role to him. It was called operation Reggie as in regicide. Operation Reggie endured due to an associate of Hendrick's, someone that had survived the great cull after Alaric was named king. His name was Rueben Stirling and Jameson said he was the one that paid Lockhart to kill Henley. Originally he was supposed to be given the assignment but when I took it and they realized that I hadn't killed him, the plan was revised to try and take him down before he got to safety.

When Lockhart changed what he was supposed to do, it altered a lot of things. Jameson surmised that it was only a matter of time before Stirling sent out the orders for Lockhart's death if he hadn't already done so. Then, he'd go underground until the time was right. It would happen, Jameson said that Rueben Stirling wanted the vampires to rule everything. He didn't want the humans to have a leader and he believed that Alaric was too lenient.

Jameson told Alaric that he did not have anything to do with the father or the mother's death and was not aware that there was a son. He also added that he didn't know if Hendrick knew about the child either but surmised that if he'd known, the kid would have died with his mother.

Jameson tried to demand leniency because he was only following the orders of his leader but Alaric bit back, stating that there was no war, no conflict, and these people were only trying to live their lives. They did not deserve what Hendrick or Stirling had demanded and realistically, Jameson didn't have to follow the orders. He could have refused. The consequences would have been high and extreme but in the end, he was still paying the price for it.

When Jameson saw the name appear on the troublemaker's list, he knew that he had to notify Stirling. Jameson collected information, fudged a few things and ensured that Henley met the requirements for being added to the termination list. Then it was just a case of approval and Lockhart could do what he had been asked.

As for Welling, he was just a pain in the ass. I'd hoped that it was a crime but Alaric rudely refused to charge Welling for it.

"I don't believe it," Mom grumped.

Following the terse words through the corridors, I found her in the study, looking at a large map with Asa.

"What's wrong?"

"Damned Alaric's being a smart ass again."

Mom stepped aside to let me look at the map. It was the edge of this province and what would be mine. Well, I suppose is mine now that I'm taking up the role of leader.

Between the two areas was a narrow strip of land that went from the state controlled land to the edge of the southern badlands.

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