Chapter 18

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Through the heavy breathing and the desperate kissing, Henley managed to get out that he didn't want to be king if it meant that he'd have to give me up. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I pushed against his shoulder.

"You cannot deny your future."

"I can do as I please or is this your way of getting out of it?"


His thumb dragged over my cheek, wiping the line of wetness away. As the hand moved over my jaw to my neck, Henley pressed his forehead to mine. A soft sigh escaped him, his eyes closed for a moment but when they reopened, they were resolute.

"I have made my choice and if you're willing then there is no issue. I want you."

To prove his point, Henley pushed his hips against mine. The desire he held for me at this moment was obvious. All of me ached, remembering our misbehaving moment in the restroom.

Looking Henley in the eyes was a mistake, one that was good and bad. The sin of this man was knowing how to affect me in the best way possible. His strike was perfectly placed, pressing the hard mound against me. I gasped when he did it again, my brows knitted tight as a sharp jolt of pleasure shot through me.

"Henley," I whispered.


I nodded, lifting my legs around his waist. This girl was a fool and she was a slave to the lust that she held for this man.

Henley lifted my legs higher, shifting them around his waist. After fumbling with his zipper, he pushed my lace panties aside and delved deep. Gripping his shoulders, I leaned back against the wall.

Here we were, again. Sex against the wall. Just as exposed, just as vulnerable. I didn't care, all that I wanted was here with me. We were wrapped up in our own little bubble of desperation and I hoped that nothing would alter that. I needed just one more moment because I knew that beyond right now was a lot of pain. Henley could not be here. No matter how much he would try, his path was not with me.

I didn't realize how much his thrusting affected me. Henley pursued a pace that was like no one I'd ever been with. It was constant and to stop the continual moaning, I clenched my lips tight. The only problem was, I'd bitten my lip. I could smell the blood.

Ecstasy washed through me with one large wave that pummeled me. My eyes lifted as my head rolled back, groaning when Henley dragged his tongue up my neck. He kissed me and I tasted blood again. It was the biggest of all my mistakes. It was the moment that I lost control.

By the way that Henley groaned when I bit his neck, I'd say that this was his intention. His blood was pure indulgence, sickly sweet and truly divine. It sated a need that I'd not realized that I had and surprisingly, I was able to stop. In situations like this, I knew that I had little control, death was the only thing that could end a feed. Yet here I was, retracting my fangs and sealing the wounds.

Henley leaned against my body, his heart racing as fast as mine, his breathing ragged. I looked up at the ceiling and gave my silent gratitude for many things and for some of those things, I was extremely negative about it as well. Amazing sex with a gorgeous guy, I'd never be able to have him again.

Lifting his head from my shoulder, Henley gave me a smile that looked like he'd run a marathon. Tired but happy.

"Henley," I whispered.

"Don't start, Claudia."

Putting my feet down on the ground, Henley fixed himself up while glaring at me.

"I made my decision."

"It's the wrong one."

"That's not true."

I huffed, frustrated and annoyed. We were going around in circles.

"Now, I have a question for you."


Was I cautious and concerned? Absolutely. It fell away when Henley waggled the knotted condom at me.


Taking it from him, I rolled my eyes and walked to the nearby door. It led to a small corridor that contained two doors. Beyond the doors were restrooms and the only suitable place to dump the used condom of a king, in the sanitary bin. It was not the correct place but at this moment, it was the only place.

Returning to the room, I found Henley sitting on the lounge. He gestured for me to sit beside him but when I got close enough, Henley pulled me onto his lap.

"Don't fight me on this Claudia. I know what I want and I'm not prepared to back down."

"You are the only one that can truly lead the humans into a better future."

"They have their government. If I turn up and start demanding things, they'll just get upset and I don't need another enemy."

His hand smoothed over my thigh, bunching the material under it as he moved to my hip. It was lucky that I was wearing a long skirt tonight. Otherwise, he would have shown a little too much.

"Besides, I've got a thought about how I can deal with your cousin. He likes me, right?"


I frowned as I thought about it. Alaric seemed to get on well with Henley which indicated that he might not know the truth about him.

The door swung open; my mother's gaze found us instantly. A sly smirk filled her face as we stood.

"We have two possibilities. So, if you two wouldn't mind rejoining us."

Pushing the door back, the wicked witch's gaze followed us. It didn't help that her smirk was always present, always taunting. When Henley moved past her, mom drew a love heart in the air at me. I poked my tongue at her which made her laugh.

We walked back into the study, Asa had two pictures up on the screen behind the desk. Henley stood in front of it, giving Asa and my father a vague shrug. I stopped in my tracks, staring at the two men. One I knew well, the other I wished that I didn't know at all. One I believed could never wrong a single person, the other I believed was the complete opposite. Yet for these two men to be on the screen, it meant that the people in this room believed that there was a possibility that one of them could be the culprit. 

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