1.finding him

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Azul pov

"Tommy,can I play?"tommy paused his video game.

"No."he said.i frowned.i stomped to the inlet in the wall.i plugged the game station.

"You little brat!"yelled tommy.he glared at me.oh shit!i ran out the room.i heard him running after me.i bumped into Alex.i ran behind him

"Tommy why you chasing behind azul for?"asked Alex.he folded his arms

"That little brat unplugged my game!"said timmy.

"You are 10 and chasing around 5 yrs old!timmy act your age."said Alex.timmy rolled his eyes.timmy walked away.alex turn around turn to face me.

"Stop messing with people."said Alex.

"No promises."i smirked.he sighed.he walked away.i went to the playroom.i saw Sam playing with the paint.she would look cute in pink and blue!i grabbed a paintbrush and dipped it in the blue paint.i painted her ponytail.she noticed what I was doing.she screamed.she ran to miss Dottie.

"Lee azul!come here!"she yelled.i walked to her.

"Apologize to her!"she said.sam was crying.

"Cry baby!"

"Lee azul!"she said

"I am not sorry."i shrugged.she glared at me.

"Just for that!no dinner!"she said.i rolled my eyes.the last time I ate was last week and was just a apple.i walked away.i went outside to the swing set.i noticed nobody was in backyard.i guess it's adoption day started.i sat on the swing.i gently rock myself back and forth.i look at the windows.i could see parents meeting different children.they all look so happy.must be nice to be loved.

Jimin pov

"Jimin you too young to be a father."said taehyung.

"I want to give love to someone."

"You already do.to me,to members and ARMY."said taehyung.

"I know but I feel like I am missing something."

"Try dating."

"Try that and never again."

"Well if you really want to adopt a child.there is a orphanage downtown.they do a adoption every first Saturday."said taehyung

"How you know that?"i raised an eyebrow.

"My cousin volunteers there."said taehyung.

"I will check it out."

"Jimin,are you sure about this?"he asked.i nodded.

"Well I will text you this address.good luck."he said.i nodded.he texted me the address.

"Later tae!"i left tae apartment.i drove to the orphanage.i meet the owner miss Dottie I walked around the orphanage with her.we ended in the kitchen.

"I think that all the children under 8 years old."said miss Dottie .i nodded.i spoke to some children.all of them was too perfect.

"I can think I think about."i ain't adopting nobody from here.she nodded.she left the kitchen.i noticed from the window a little boy sitting on the swing.i walked to the backyard.i walked to him.he look up at me.i saw sadness in his eyes but it quickly changed to anger.

"Fuck off."he said.i raised an eyebrow.okay.he has no respect for his elders.

"Why you not indoors?"

"Because i don't want to be."he shrugged.i kneeled to his height.

"What is your name?"

"None of your business."he said.he glared at me.

"Well I am park jimin.nice to meet you."i smiled.he looked at me like I grew two heads.

"I am lee azul."he said.

"Can i call you z?"

"Why?"he raised an eyebrow.

"Cuz you look like your name could be z."i smiled.

"Yeah.whatever."Then miss Dottie saw us.

"Azul stop bothering this man."said miss Dottie.azul looked disappointed but quickly looked mad.

"Miss Dottie he wasn't bothering me.actually I want to adopt him."azul looked shocked.

"Yay!i don't have to deal this troublemaker no more."she said excitedly.i raised an eyebrow.

"Azul go pack while he sign the papers."she said.i followed her to her office.she made me sign a paper then she give me thick stack of papers.

"Fill these out then mail to us.i do all the other paperwork when you are gone.i need him gone asap!"She said.


"He is bad.i don't know why you want to adopt him but not my problem no more!i will go get Azul!"she said.she left the office.i open the information file.it says:

Name:lee Azul
Dob: February 14
Extra:He is bad af

How bad is he?i walked out the office.i saw a conga line of the staff and teenagers in the living room.

"Azul is on his way out!"they sang in the conga line.then i saw miss Dottie dragged Azul but his wrist.azul was scratching at her hand.

"You hurting him."i pick him Azul.man he is light.miss Dottie let go of him.azul rubbed his wrist.

"Whatever.just leave."said miss Dottie.she gave a backpack.we left the orphanage.i drove to my apartment.

"You want a tour of your new home?"

"Fuck no."he said.

"Z,you shouldn't cuss."he rolled his eyes.

"Follow me to your room."we went to the guest room.z climbed onto the bed.he started on the jumping on the bed.

"Don't jump on the bed."

"Make me."he said.he struck his tongue out.

"Please?"he rolled his eyes.he sat on the bed.i turned the tv on.i changed to the channel to Disney.

"My room is across the hall if you need me."i went to my room.i sat on my bed.i started reading and filling out the paperwork.i read his medical file.he was underweight but he also had a bladder problem.at least He healthy beside his weight.i checked the time.it was 7 o clock.i went to z room.he was sleep.i looked through the backpack he had.he had few clothes and pack of pull ups.i went to the bathroom.i ran some bath water.i woke z up.

"Wake up.nap time is over."he sat up.he wiped his eyes.

"Z,can you wash yourself?"he nodded.we walked to the bathroom.he took his clothes off.he was struggling to take the pull up off.

"Let me help you."i took the pull up off him.he hop in the tub.i gave him the soap and towel.he started washing himself.

"You forgot your back, feet and your neck."

"Then you fucking do it!"he said.i chuckled.i started washing him properly.then i dried him off.i dressed him.

"You hungry?"

"Hell no."

"Stop cussing."he rolled his eyes.

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