31.first day of school

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Azul pov

"Behave."said jimin.he place a bowl of fruit in front of me.

"No promises."i ate a grape.

"Z,i am serious.this is your first day at a new school.i don't want you to be label as a troublemaker just because you decide to act up because you was bored in class."i rolled my eyes.i continued to eat.jimin went to his room to get ready.i finished my food.i grabbed my backpack from my room.jimin walked in my room.

"Let's go."he said.we went to the car.

"Z when I said behave.thats means no cussing,no inappropriate gestures,no disrespecting people,no-

"Appa!i know what not to do.damn.i meant dang."

"Z please don't get in trouble on your first day!"he said.

"I won't.i am good boy remember."i said proudly.

"When you want be."he mumbled.

"I heard that!appa!i am good boy!.... right?"i said.

"Of course you are baby boy.you are goodest boy!"

"Goodest not a word."then we arrived at the school.jimin held my hand as walked in the school.jimin talked to the lady at the front desk while I look around the interior of the school lobby.this a lot more fancier than my last school.wait jimin is famous.so he should be rich.so this probably a private school.i rolled my eyes.then jimin started walking down a random hallway.

"Where we going?"

"To your homeroom."he said.i followed him to a classroom.the teacher was standing at the door.

"Student name?"she asked while holding a paper in her hand.

"Park azul."said jimin.she look on her paper.then she nodded.she kneeled to my height.

"Hello azul, i am miss Paris.nice to meet you."she said.i fakes smiled.

"Later Chimmy."he let go of my hand.i went in the classroom.i saw a few kids running around playing with toys.I saw a kid looking at book that was upside down.i walk to him.

"You have it upside down."

"Oh."he said.he flip the book.

"Nope.still looks like gibberish."he said.

"I guess you can't read yet?"

"What gave it away?"he said with a smile.

"I am z."

"I am Sam.z can you read?"

"Yes I can."

"Yay!you can read this book to me?"he asked.i nodded.i sat next to him.he gave me the book.


Me and Sam together at lunch.sam told me about how he went on summer vacation with his dads.

"Wait you have more than one dad?"

"Yeah.what did you do this summer?"he asked.

"I went on tour with my dad and his band."

"Well there is a lot of bands in kpop.which band?"he asked.he sipped on his milk.

"BTS."and here comes the fangirling.

"What's that?"he doesn't know them?!?

"Nothing."i smiled.

Jimin pov

I imagine z burning the school down in my head.i shook my head at the thought.

"Jimin you okay?"asked taehyung.


"No you are not.or you won't had missed your lines."said jungkook.

"My bad.i was thinking about z."

"Stop worrying.he would be fine."

"I know that.what I am worried about is he is behaving or not."

"Hyung you taught him well.stop worrying."said jungkook.he patted my back.

"When does school end?"asked jin

"In about a hour."

"So the school day is pretty much over.so I doubt he will get trouble within a hour."said jin.

"You would be surprise what he can in with a hour especially if he is bored."

"You what will take your mind off him.singing!lets get back to work."said vocal teacher.

Azul pov

As me and Sam waited for our rides.i finishing read the book to him.

"Samuel you ride is here."said miss pairs.

"Your name Samuel?"

"Yeah but don't call me that."he said.

"Yeah.i got it."

"Later z!"he said.he followed miss Paris to his parent car.i noticed he left his book.i guess I give it to him tomorrow.i put the book in my backpack.

"Azul your ride is here."said miss Paris.i followed her to jimin car.i hop in the backseat.i fasten my seatbelt.

"How was your day?"he asked.

"Boring but I made a new friend."

"That's good."

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