33.missing elephant

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~few weeks later
Jimin pov

I laid my head in yoongi lap.Yoongi ran his fingers through my hair.

"You should dye your hair pink."he said.

"I will think about it."

"Would you ever allow z to dye his hair?"he asked.

"Maybe he is older."

"Ain't his birthday coming up."

"Yeah.next month actually."

"Where is z?i didn't see him yet."

"He is napping."Then azul ran out his room.

"Appa,he is fucking gone!"yelled z while crying.i immediately sat up.

"Who is gone?"

"Zero!"yelled z.

"Who is that?"asked yoongi

"His favorite stuffed elephant ."

"Appa!i can't find him!"We went to his room.yoongi help me check his room.z continued to crying as we searched the apartment.

"Maybe he left it in the car."said yoongi.we put our shoes on.we went to the car.we searched in.we didn't find it.We went back inside.

"I am sorry.i don't know where it could be at."z started to cry harder.

"Let's retract his steps.what he did before his nap?"asked yoongi

"We was hanging out with taehyung at his house."i called taehyung.He answered.

Jimin:why you have tae phone?
Jk:*moan* he is busy at the moment.fuccck!what did you need?
Jm:i want to see did z left a his stuffed animal over there.
Jk:hold on

I heard whispering and moving.

Tae:*in the background*found it!
Jm:thank goodness.are you going bring it to me or I have go to over there?
Tae:you can come over here.
Jk:*in the background* tae hurry up!
Jm:i will text you when I almost there.

I hanged up.i turned to yoongi who trying calm z down with words.

"Hyung.tae got it.but they doing adult things over there.i wondering if you can watch z while I go get it."

"Yeah."said yoongi.i nodded.

"I will be back."then i left.

Azul pov

Jimin left.no appa and no zero!i started crying more.yoongi hugged me.

"It's okay.he is coming back."he said.

"Why did he leave?"i sniffle.

"To go get your toy."he said

"Really?!!"he nodded.i stop crying.

"Let's get you some water."he said.we went to the kitchen.he gave me a water bottle from out the fridge.


Yoongi and me was cuddling on couch when I heard the front door open.i immediately ran to it.jimin walked in.he picked me up.i snatched zero from him and hug it.jimin chuckled.

"Nice to see you not crying anymore."said jimin.he kissed my forehead.

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